The new land

The new land

The news for today is there was this guy named Stephe and he was good friends with Jesus. Stephe did good things for Jesus and help him out a lot. Stephe was a strong believer and he will do anything for Jesus. One day the high priest akced   Stephe ”are these charges true ̈ And Stephe said ̈ Brothers and fathers listen to me God of glory appears to our father Abraham while still in Mesopotamia before he lived in Haran. And God said leave your country and your people and go to the land I will show you ̈. So they left the land chaldeans and God send them to new land were they are living know. He said ̈ For four hundred years your descendants will be sthaners in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated. A little bit later Stephen was full of the  Holy Spirit and he looked up to the heavens and saw the glory of God and Jesus was standing on the right hand of God he said. and then he said look I see the heavens open and my son of men standing on the right hand of God.After this they start to scream on top of their lungs and they dragged him out of the city and began to Stone him. The witnesses leave their coats at the feet of the young man named Saul. As you can tell from this news article God is just the most powerful person and he loves us all that’s it for today come back tomorrow some more news. 

What I did for the Stephen project was a newspaper.

One thing I did will on this project is the time I put into it .

How I will feel if I was obseving this eveat is I will be sad and I will not like it.

I will feel so bad for Saul for what happed to him.

What I think will encuraged the early Christians is they will love God more becues of what is happeding have more faith. Some of the words that keep the faith despite the persecutio is saying I love God and things like that will get them killed.