Themes of the Old Testament


Names are important. They showed the person’s character or what the person’s heart is like. There is a lot of names for God. Two of the names are Yahweh and Elohim. The meaning is important too. Yahweh meaning is a loving relationship. Elohim meaning is creator. My visual is a boomerang because my name means boomerang or curled up stick. I learned that meaning of names have a way to show people who you are.


A lot of people Struggled with God or had doubt about him too. Israel meaning was struggles with God. All of us,  ask questions starting with why? or what’s next?, Why not cure everyone?, Why me?, Why does this person hurt me? and etc. My Visual is a car crash because I had two family members die in two crashes. I so mad because I never saw one of them and the other one I barely saw. I learned that sometimes you have downs in life but you still have people how love and care about you. 


The Sinai Law is the ten commandments. If you don’t obey them, you will get punished. God protects us with the ten commandments. But we still don’t follow them.  We have “gods” too but sometimes we don’t even recognize. We have TV idols and sports idols and much more. My visual is God has a hand over me so I would be protected. God will always protect us no matter how many covenants we brake. I learned that God makes a new covenant when we don’t obey the first one. God makes it easy for us to obey the covenant more than the last one.  


The Israelites were sent to the promised land by God. They had to go through the deserts and around mountains and danger. The Israelites had to trust God daily. To bring food and to give them water. The Israelites started to lose trust so they complain and complained more. Trust is a hard thing to do sometimes. My visual is a person trying not to be squished by the tough times. I learned that you have to trust God through the toughest of times.


Israel kept doing wrong in the eyes of the Lord. Then got captured by an enemy. So they started to pray to God. Then God would send a judge to strain the chaos. Israel looks at the other nations and they want a king to rule over them.  God wanted Nagid king and Israel wanted a Melek king. Israel wants to do what they thought was right. My visual is toys because I want to play with toys but God probably wants me to read the bible. I learned that I should do what God wants me to do instead of what I want to do.  


The Symbol of the Lamp was the promise of Jesus coming from David’s line. A lamp was the only light source in the olden days. David made so many mistakes but God could not get rid of him because God told his people that he is sending his son on that line. My Visual is a candle because a lamp in the olden day is kind of a candle now but the candle is not that fancy. I learned that God has symbols all around us but sometimes we can’t see them.  


Israel had lousy kings after another. God sent Elijah the prophet to set it right. One day Elijah got all the people to a place at Mt. Carmel. Elijah began to say when will you stop wavering between two gods? And all the people there were silent. Elijah provides that there is only one God. My visual is music because a lot of music is lousy but some people still like it. I learned that we do stuff bad but we think it’s good still.


People could not keep the Sinai Covenant. So God had to make a new covenant. It was called the Davidic Covenant. The Davidic Covenant was a promise from God. Saying that you don’t have to give an animal sacrifice because Jesus is the sacrifice. Isaiah the prophet made visuals to show what Jesus is like or what Jesus does. My visual is a lion and a lamb because Jesus will bring peace to all so the lion will lay down by a lamb. I learned that God will always love us and protect us also.

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