November 19


One reason that I am excited for about Thanksgiving is that I am going to my grandparents house. One reason that I am excited about going to my grandparents house because my aunt Alli is going to be there with my uncle Paul, and they have two sons, Gavin and Landen. Gavin is two and 1/2, and Landen is about one year. Also my great grandma is going to be there, my great uncles and my great aunts. Also I can see my grandma and my grandpa.

Finally I am excited about the Thanksgiving dinner because my grandma makes really good food. My favorite thing to eat during Thanksgiving is mashed potatoes and green beans. I also like any food that my grandma makes or anything at her house. Unfortunately my other grandma is going to be in Florida so we can not see her also on Thanksgiving. Also usually right after we eat the grown ups talk and then we sometimes play games (witch I love!!!)

November 17

¿Cómo Dios muestra su fidelidad a nosotros?

Hay muchas más ejemplos de la fidelidad de Dios pero estos son algunos ejemplos. Dios se muestra su fe a nosotros porque cuando nos pecamos, porque Dios nos perdona. Además cuando tenemos enfermedades Dios nos sana ó Dios hace lo que necesita hacer. Un ejemplo es cuando yo necesitaba ir al hospital porque mi estomago duelo mucho, y yo no podía hacer algunas cosas. Pero cuando yo fui al hospital después de algunas horas averiguaron que yo no necesitaba todo estaba bien solo había algo que iba a ir sin nada. Entonces 2 días después mi estomago había mejorado. Un otro ejemplo de la fidelidad de Dios es cuando Dios nos bendiga y Dios nunca rompe sus promesas. Finalmente Dios nos ayudo con la nueva edición de ZCS. También nos ayudó con los cien años de ZCS.


November 13

Mi planeta

Mi planeta es Pluton. Un hecho interesante es que en Plutón puede ser -390 f. Además Plutón no está considerado una planeta ahora, entonces se llamen una planeta enano, porque es tan pequeño y tan lejano del sol.

November 12

How I am part of God’s covenant

I’m a part of Gods covenant because God promised that he would send his son to saved us, and we believe that so we can be part of God’s covenant. One reason that we are part of God’s covenant is because God made with his people because I love God and because he saved me. So we have to love God, serve him and do what ever God wants us to do, and God will protect us, love us and give us  eternal life. So anyone can be part of God’s covenant if you love, serve and follow God.

November 5

Dear grandparents,

I’m thankful for my grandparents, because you always give me lots of hugs and kisses. You also care about me and you love me. You also always remember my birthday and you always know what I’m doing. My Gran is awesome, one of the reasons is that she is awesome is because you do scrap booking. And you loves me so much. My Manna is awesome, one of the reasons is that she also makes us pancakes when were at her house we sometimes have salad and ice cream.  My papa is awesome, one reason is because he alway tickles us and teases us. My Budda is awesome, one reason is because he always tickles, he scares us and he also teases us. And whenever we go to our grandparents house we always go do something special. Also whenever we go to our grandparents house we get a treat or something special. Those are some reasons why I’m thankful for you.

Love, Kate