If I could have anything I want…

If I could have anything I want, I would be the fastest human being on the earth, I would be really strong, and I would be able to play sports really well. All of this will add up, and my one BIG wish would be to go to the olympics. I don’t know which sport I would go to the olympics for, maybe basketball, volleyball, beach volleyball, who knows! But whatever the sport, that would be my one big wish. The olympics. I could just imagine it know. The screaming people, the enormous stadium, and the shiny gold, silver, and bronze medals. But that’s not the best part. Not even close. The best part about being good enough to go to the olympics would be that I get to do the things that I love most, which is play sports.

If I got to go to the olympics, first, I would be really excited for days, weeks, months on end. Second, I would have to leave everything I know back home like extended family, friends, school. That would be one of the hardest parts of going to the olympics. Third, I would travel to where the olympics was being hosted, and hopefully get some sight seeing in before competitions start. Of course, I would train while I was there. A lot of training would be required. Then I would compete. My life would forever be changed. I would be at the olympics. Not only AT the olympics, but COMPETING in the olympics. I would be a dream come true. I know that when I would come back home, with medal or no medal, people would be giving lots of praise and stuff like that. But that really isn’t what it’s about. I would be most excited about going….PLAYING….in the olympics because I was giving the opportunity to play something I love at a highly competitive level (it would be pretty cool to be on TV too, not gonna lie).  That would be the most exciting part. And yeah…my life would change. Hopefully for the better. But no matter what, I think it would all be worth it if I could have anything I want.

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