Month: January 2016

Ideal Church vs. Early Church

There is a big difference between our ideal church, and the early church. The ideal church consists of materialistic wants, the desire to enjoy the time in the church, the idea of worshipping comfortably, and food. The early church consists of mainly of being together, and having fellowship with other believers. The early church was very intentional about sharing their possessions and inviting people into their homes.

Personally, I really enjoyed taking a look into the similarities and differences of the two churches. I wish I could’ve been alive during the Early Church era. 

Science Exam Review Friday, January 8


Noah and I did our Exam Review Project for Math about a board game called Sugar Soda Rush. In the story problem, Santa’s top toymakers, Lala and Lola, are given the task to make a new board game called Sugar Soda Rush. Lala and Lola know that the length of the board game is 12 inches, and the hypotenuse is 14 inches. They have to figure out the width of the board game, in order to build. On our representation, is the front of the board game, which then turns over and shows the exact measurements. Along each side are the steps in order to solve the problem. Along with Christmas theme drawing and representations, the problem solver receives a jovial christmas atmosphere. I enjoyed doing the project, and I had a lot of fun coming up with the problem.

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