Thanksgiving, What I’m Thankful For


Posted by lculver22 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 27, 2013

I’m thankful for,

I’m thankful for Friends,

I’m thankful for Family,

I’m thankful for Sports,

I’m thankful for Jesus,

I’m thankful for Music,

I’m thankful for ZCS,

I’m thankful for Seasons,

I’m thankful for my Teachers,

I’m thankful for Water,

I’m thankful for Food,

I’m thankful for Relatives,

I’m thankful for the World,

I’m thankful for the Bible,

I’m thankful for Shelter,

I’m thankful for Clothes,

I’m thankful for Math,

I’m thankful for Holidays,

I’m thankful for Outdoors,

This is what i’m thankful for.

Pinball Wizard – Newton’s Laws Of Motion


Posted by lculver22 | Posted in Pinball | Posted on November 25, 2013

Newton’s Laws of Motion

Law #1 – Law of Inertia

  • An object in rest wants to stay at rest unless acted on by another force, this is the law of inertia.

    • So if you are in a car and you didn’t have a seat belt on and your car hit a car head on you will go flying forward, because an object in motion stays in motion until acted upon by another force, your body wants to stay in motion, and your car suddenly stops.

    • So if you were sitting on a couch above a hole and something pulls the couch away you would fall in the hole because an object at rest wants to stay at rest so that is why you would fall in.

Law #2 – F = ma (Force = Mass x Acceleration)

  • Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass.

    • So if you were sitting in a chair and your strong friend pushed you, you would go fast because your friend has more strength. If you pushed you friend and you weren’t as strong and he was heavier than he would go slower.

    • If there was a ramp and you pushed down a bowling ball and a tennis ball down the ramp, the bowling ball would make it down faster because it has more mass.

Law #3 – Force pairs. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

  • For every action there is a reaction.

    • So if you were shooting a gun the action is the bullet and the reaction is the kick from the gun.

    • If you were riding a sea doo the action the is you going forward and the reaction is the water spraying up in the back.

How Can you Apply this to your pinball machine

  • For Law #1 there would be a wall on the side and if the ball rolled in there it would be game over

  • For Law #2 you could be able to control the power of the flippers so if you wanted to get in a certain place it would be easier to get it in the place you wanted.

  • For Law #3 there is a action and a reaction and the launcher needs that law. The action is the launcher hitting the ball and the reaction is the ball going up into the air.

Pinball Wizard – Electromagnet


Posted by lculver22 | Posted in Pinball | Posted on November 19, 2013

What I Learned From The Experiment

  • Electromagnets are magnets that are powered by electricity.

  • Its exactly like a circuit there’s the source, path, and load.

  • The source is the battery, the wire is the path, and the nail is the load.

  • The more times you wrap the wire around the nail you have the more of the object you’re picking up.

  • You can also make an electromagnet stronger by adding more batteries.

What I Learned From Extra Research

  • Magnetism is a force that electric currents exert on other electric currents.

  • This force can be created by the motion of electrons.

  • The planet earth is a gigantic magnet.

  • Magnets are also in living things.

  • Animals use the magnetism to find their way when traveling.

How I Can Apply What I Learned To My Pinball Machine

  • When the ball goes down the bottom is flat so the electromagnet will drag it into the launcher.

Pinball Wizard – How To Make a Bulb Light Up


Posted by lculver22 | Posted in Pinball | Posted on November 13, 2013

If a circuit is open it is not complete so the load or thing you’re powering will not work.If a circuit is closed it is a complete circuit and the load will power. You need a source to power the load and a path to connect the path between the source and load. If your circuit is incomplete you can put a conductor such as a (copper coin, pencil, tin foil, iron, or a nail) in the middle and electricity can flow through. If you have to many sources the load may burn out because it has too much power. Electric circuits have different components like the source, path, and load.

Once they have lost the metal ball will trigger a switch and it will make the circuit closed and at the top there will be a sign that lights up and says game over. If they lose the metal ball will roll in between two wires and work as a conductor and complete the circuit. at the front of the launcher there will be a switch that will trigger a sign that says game on. on the side there will be a tube and if the ball went in the tube there would be a button that the ball would roll over and it would trigger lights.

 Here’s a video of me explaining how to make a bulb light up —> building a circuit

I Believe…


Posted by lculver22 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 1, 2013

I Believe,

That God is the one and only God, he is the only one that is perfect. He sent his one and only son to die on the cross to save us from our sins, God is my lord he is my savior God is the most wonderful God ever, he did a lot of miracles, and God loves us forever.

My Grandparents Believe,

I believe that my life growing up and now would not be what it is, if my love for the Lord every day and every second of the day I could not imagine my life with out my wonderful savior.


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