Living on a Dollar


Posted by lculver22 | Posted in SSLowe | Posted on October 14, 2016

Today in class, we watched a video where 4 college students traveled to a place of extreme poverty in Guatemala. They would live on a dollar a day for 56 days. I felt excited when I found out the there was a place that people could get loans even though they lived in poverty. They could use that loan to start a business, fix their house, and on many other things, which has a huge impact on their lives. But when I watched the college students just getting on their feet, I saw how hard it would be to live in those kind of conditions. They barely knew anything on how to survive in these conditions. But it was very cool when their neighbors took them in a helped them get on their feet. They learned how to survive, and said they could live in these conditions, for a longer period of time. But they said there was ways to improve the quality of life…

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