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Turning Decimals into Fractions and Fractions into Decimals

This year, I learned about turning decimals into fractions and fractions into decimals. I will first explain how to turn a decimal into a fraction:

Say your decimal number is 5.6 . You would take the 6, and since it is in the “tenths” place, you would take 6/10. And since your 5 is in the “whole number” place, you would just keep it the way it is. So it would be 5   6/10.

But, you’re not done yet – you have to simplify. So find a number that can divide 6 and 10. Both of them can be divided by 2. So you divide 6 by 2 and divide 10 by 2. Your numerator would be 3, and your denominator would be 5. Your complete answer would be 5   3/5  .

Now I will explain how to turn fractions into decimals:

Say your fraction is 7/8 . You are going to take the numerator (7) and divide it by your denominator (8) . That would equal 0.875 . And that’s your answer.

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