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The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is God’s Spirit – He’s part of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit will always be with us. When we put our faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit will live within us. The Holy Spirit teaches, comforts, and guides us through life. The Holy Spirit helps us to be more like Jesus. He shows us that we are God’s children, helps us understand the Bible, leads us to make good choices, and helps us grow closer to God. Even though we can’t physically see or feel the Holy Spirit, he is still there because He works in our spirits. The Holy Spirit didn’t live inside us until after Jesus’ ascension.

The Holy Spirit has worked in my life since I was baptized. The Holy Spirit has led me to have faith in Jesus. The Holy Spirit guides me to make good decisions, He comforts me when I am sad, and guides me through life trials. The Holy Spirit has helped me to be like Jesus by giving me the “Fruit of the Spirit” (Found in Galatians 5:22-23). He also has brought me closer to God as I get older. The Holy Spirit is still working inside of me.

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