pinball- magnatizm

I learned about magnets it was very fun I learned that because of attraction a magnet is able to pull itself to anything that is metal. I also learned that a magnetic field is the thing that pulls the metal thing to the magnet. I also learned that you can make a magnet not magnetize anything and you can choose to make it magnetize something that stuff is called an electromagnet. I also learned that magnets have magnetic poles that connect only to different pole the same poles will not stick

pinball – make a bulb light up

we learned

a lot about electricity, I learned how to make a light bulb light up and I learned that it’s very hard to make a switch . The energy has to go in and out in the wires that transfer the batteries energy to the bulb.

I also learned that  a closed circuit means that the light bulb is on and that an open circuit means the bulb is off. I also I learned that you don’t  need to use a light bulb you can use a fan or sound box  that stuff is called a load. A conductor is a material that moves the energy. A  insulator is a material that does not allow energy to go though.

I also learned that an electrical current is moving through the wires it is the stuff that makes the light bulb light up


Gideon and Me

My feed back is that it is OK to test God just don’t  test him every time you are scared and you shouldn’t  live  your life in fear live it like it is very fun  it is normal for you to test God some people have never tested God that is OK  some people think that if they test God they will think that testing God is non christian like but it is kind of good to test God Photo on 12-4-14 at 3.15 PM

Long Division Woes

In long division, I am struggling with keeping room for the other long division questions because when I am doing a question all I think about is the question and all I am doing is going down when a have to go to the sides.