Get the Word Out- The Blood Of Olympis

My Favorite book is The Blood Of Olympis By Rick Riordan.

This book  is the last book if the  Heros of Olympis sieries.

My favorite carector in the book is Leo Valdez. Because he is very funny he has a very rare power for a child of Hephestus he is not imune to fire. And he can make fire with his bare hands he has a special bag that he can get anything from it. That is why he is a very good builder .he has lots of good jokes. But in the end everything will change . The end of the book is pretty sad. and in this book you will learn if the Gods will defeat the Giants.

This book is a five star book.

This book is a follow up from the Percy Jackson.

The whole plot of this series is the earth goddes Gea’s children the giants, have come to dethrone the gods. And 7 halfbloods have to help destroy the giants. before Gea awakes. With the Greek and Roman demigods working together will there be war or peace?