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The Planetarium

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We went to the planetarium on Tuesday. When we were there there was someone explaining to us about space he showed us a video. There was a video that we were watching so it was like we were in space looking what was happening in space. First we saw all the phases of the moon. Then we saw the fases from the earth and we saw two moons from Mars because Mars has two moons. Another thing we saw was that to understand the routes that the moon takes there is invisible lines. There is a lot of invisible lines. We also learned saw how eclipses work. We saw both eclipses. It was cool seeing the moon get red. We saw that when there is a lot of stars they can form pictures for example the Ursa major looks just like a bear. I think everyone has heard of the big Dipper  connect the dots and you will see the picture. I think they have weird names. We also saw how big every planet was, but the sun was the BIGGEST. The moon was tiny. When the earth circles around the sun the earth does not go in a perfect circle so if you have the sun and the earth is going around the earth gets a little closer to the sun then gets far away. I think the planetarium was cool.

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