Liner Lou

This is my blog all about my middle school adventures

Science Element project

We did projects on one element on the periodic table I did silicon here is my project



Camp Reflection Day

On Friday March 14 we did a camp reflection day, we looked up verses to remind us about our topics, Who am I? Who are We? and Who is He? here is what I wrote…

Who Am I? I am God’s chosen people, His special possession. I am a child of God! My symbol for this was a heart because I am a child of God, and God loves me!

Who are We? We are a 7th grade community who loves and cares for each other, we use our talents for God’s glory. My symbol for this was a community, because we are a community.

Who is He? For me God is my provider, he provides me with my needs. He is also my healer, He heals me and my family and keeps us safe. He is also my savior. My symbol for this was a cross because God is my savior, he sent His son to die o a cross for me!


We talked about these things at camp and so we revisited them on Friday morning and Friday afternoon we went bowling as a community!

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In Science class we did an experiment about density, we learned how to find density. Density is if something will sink or float. If two objects are the same size density is what determines if it will sink or float. Density is what is inside an object. If an object is the same volume density is weather that object sinks or floats, if something is the same density it could be different volumes.

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