Liner Lou

This is my blog all about my middle school adventures

Theme Writitng

Theme Writing

“ They have no speech, they use no words, no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all of the earth, their words to the end of the world.

Psalm 19:3-4

Last May as a 7th grade class almost 8th grade we went to camp Roger to go to Leadership camp. At Leadership camp we learned how to be leaders, along with that we chose a theme for the 2014-2015 school year. We came up with the theme Shout Silently- Actions that speak. I can use the theme we chose at school or with I am at home.

I can use the theme at school by helping someone who is lost or confused by our crazy schedule. I can be nice and talk to kids who look lonely or who are in a different grade. I could also help people with their homework if they need help.

I could also use our school theme at my house or outside school. I can help out at church with VBS or Children and Worship. I can also do things around the house to help out without being asked like picking up my room. I could also try to be nicer to my brothers.


I can Shout Silently when I am at home or at school it doesn’t matter where! There is lots that I can do as an 8th grader to live out our theme. It’s good to Shout Silently wherever you are.

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