June 6

Book Review

Book Review

Book Review-Put this on your blog as a new post. Label it “Book Review” and tag it as Zastrow-Reading.

Choose the book you most enjoyed this school year.

Paragraph 1-Four sentences

  • Title and author

I read the book Kidnaped by Gordan Korman.

  • Genre – Fantasy, realistic fiction, historical fiction, poetry, biography…

This book was realistic fiction. 

  • Describe the setting of the book. A book’s setting is one of its most vital components. How does it compare or contrast to the world you know? Does the author make you feel like you’re a part of the setting? Can you picture the book’s setting if you close your eyes? As you write, try to pass on to your reader the sense of the setting and place that the author has provided.

Paragraph 2-Three sentences

It takes place in a small city or town, mostly in the suburbs. The town is kind of  like Zeeland with a lot of houses. The author made me feel like I was part of the setting because I could imagine everything he was righting about easily. It was very easy to imagine where the book took place. It was very descriptive and I always wanted to know what was going to happen next.

  • Describe the book’s main characters. Does the writer make you believe in them as people? Why or why not? Think about whether you like the characters and about how liking them or disliking them makes you feel about the book. As you write about the characters, use examples of things they’ve said or done to give a sense of their personalities.

Paragraph 3-Four sentences

Meg and Aiden are brother and sister. They have had a lot of experience with not getting caught when doing something illegal or running away. The author makes me think that they are good people and they both didn’t want anything to happen to the other one. The author also made me believe that they were real people because he made it sound so real but most kids still wouldn’t do something like this. I really liked this book because of the characters, Meg was quick and always thought things through. Aiden never thought things through he just wanted to jump into action.

Give your reader a taste of the plot, but don’t give the surprises away. Readers want to know enough about what happens in a book to know whether they’ll find it interesting. But they never want to know the ending! Summarize the plot in a way that will answer some questions about the book, but leave other questions in the reader’s mind. You may want to make a list of questions about the book before you begin.

Paragraph 4-

One day when Meg and Aiden were walking home from school a white van pulled up and drove away with Meg. No one knew where the van went. Agent Harris, the man that started it all, is on the case with the Falconer’s case again. Will Harris be able to prove that he is a good person? Or will Meg be lost forever?

  • It is a summary statement about whether he/she should read this book in 7th grade. Give it one star if it was boring and not recommended. Give it five stars if it was amazing. Start like this “Overall, I give this book ______ stars because…..” Make sure your review explains how you feel about the book and why, not just what the book is about. A good review should express the reviewer’s opinion and persuade the reader to share it, to read the book, or to avoid reading it.

Overall, I give this book 5 stars because I liked how when you started to wonder what was happening to the other person it would switch people. I also liked how the author always kept you on your toes and you never got super board. I also liked how Aiden sometimes got caught up with the wrong people when he was looking for meg. 

Posted June 6, 2017 by lspahr22 in category Uncategorized

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