Boat making

This week in science we had to make a boat. We made our boat out of styrofoam, aluminum foil, and others stuff. our first run was a fail, a DNF (did not finish). then we replaced the sail and lower it a tad bit and got an 8.o5 on our next run.

Themes of The Old Testastament


Sometimes you get a call from God not by telephone but maybe through your pastor’s sermon. You can get a call to go overseas, sometimes it’s to move and other times its just to invite your neighbour over to dinner. God called Abraham and Sarah to move from their home to somewhere they did not know. Sometimes it’s hard to trust God when he calls you. It’s not always easy to follow the call, because of moving away from family or leaving a good paying job or leaving your friends. But we need to look and listen for calls from God. One of my friend’s dad got a call to go preach in Iowa and It was very tough after they left because he was my best friend, but I still see him once in awhile.






A covenant is an agreement between two groups or like a promise or a handshake like the picture. There is a part for you to take care and a part for the other person to take care of. There are two types of covenants one is conditional and unconditional. Conditional is if you do this… then I will do this, like when In very beginning of Genesis God says, “but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” that was a conditional because God said if you eat from the tree you will surely die. An unconditional covenant is when God sent the rainbow in the sky as a promise never to flood the earth like that again, no matter how bad we are. A covenant in my life is if I am mean to my sibling I get my tablet taken away.

Sinai Law

Construction barrels are there to keep you safe just like the 10 commandments. The Ten Commandments are a covenant with God. The Covenant is; I will be your God and you will have to obey my commandments. God gave us the Commandments not to not have fun but to protect us. Some of the gods today that can harm us today are sports, electronics, appearance, clothes, friends, music, and food. The law that God gave us covers every part of our lives. Something in my life that is kind of like a god is grades, I tried to get good grades instead of living for Jesus.


Sent to the promised land

When the Israelites had to go to the promised land they had to trust God instead of the bronze snake they also the trust God that she would provide food for them each day. They also had to trust him when they were crossing the Jordan. After they cross the Jordan River, They sent spies to Jericho, to scout the area. During their time in Jericho Rahab had kept them safe and fed them because God would destroy the city except for her house because her family feared the Lord. God said “March around the city once with all the armed men. Do this for six days. Have seven priests carry trumpets of rams’ horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets.” We need to trust God whatever we do.






Names were and are very important still because it shows a persons heart or character. Some important names in the Bible were Jacob which means “He deceives” that is from Genesis 25:26. Here are a few of God’s names, El Elyon which means “God most high.” Another is El Elohe Israel which means “The Mighty One.” One more is “Yahweh” Which means Relationship and Loving and Caring. The reason I choose a name tag is that we need to tell everyone about Jesus and we can do that by acting like Jesus.





Symbol of a lamp

 God promised to send a savior through the line of David. God uses the symbol of a lamp to tell everyone that David’s line will one day have the savior in it. God uses the symbol of a lamp because that was the only source of what the people in that day. David was a man after God’s own heart, even though he had made many mistakes. David’s line led to Jesus who was the ultimate light of the world. The reason I chose a lighthouse for my symbol is because it shines bright like Jesus did. I hope that we can shine bright and show others the love of Jesus.



Something is rotten

 Israel had one lousy lazy king after another which were misleading the people into worshipping idols. God sent the Prophet Elijah to talk to the people for God. Elijah challenged all the Baal Prophets at Mount Carmel. He said, “You will build an altar to your god and pray to him to lay it at on fire and I will do the same to my God.” So the Baal Prophets built their altar and prayed to their god for a while. Then Elijah said “let me do mine and he drenched the wood with water and prayed to God, and God lit It up in Flames. Then Elijah said “ how long will you waver between two gods,” and the people were silent.  God will put us into culture to make a difference but people may not change after seeing our light. The reason I chose a rotten apple for my symbol is because we need to worship the one true God not the other rotten gods.



Slide to destruction

 Israel had one good King but other kings worshipped Idols like Baal. consequences of worshipping Baal were being scattered and being conquered by other nations. Judah had two good Kings but the rest worship idols. The consequence of that was Babylon scattering them. There are consequences to trying to do so far away and not God’s way. We need to listen to the prophets in our life so that we do not have big consequences. The reason I chose it Avalanche is because when we do one wrong thing it turns into one big thing.  this summer I did not listen to my mom about wearing a helmet on a quad it turned out that I end up crashing and I did not get hurt but it could have been way more serious.