My world describe to an Allien

This is our world: It is big and there is water and sand and rocks and grass it is scary sometimes and sometimes it can be very wacky (Like my Grandma and Grandpa) Welcome to our world good luck and if you need anything just let me no see ya Would’t want to be ya!

My Snow Days

On my snow days I went out side and built a huge,gynormise Snow fort.

And I also played Minecraft on my iphone.

And I also had alot of fun not going to SCHOOL!!!!!


Settler moving to North Carolina

There will be tar and there will not be any slaves because they chose not to have any slaves when they settled. It will be very fun cause there are not a lot of ways to transport things but that is the reason that it’ll be very fun.

Thanksgiving traditions

My mom cooks  the stuffing while my dad  cleans the car. After the cooking and cleaning is done we get in the car and my dad drives us to great grandma and grandpas house while my mom navigates. When we get there my mom walks up and opens the door. We walk in and we put all the food down. My dad goes and looks for everyone. When he finds them we go and we play for a little while. After a little while my mom comes and gets all the kids to eat. When we get up stairs my great grandpa prays. After he prays we eat. After we eat and play for a little while we go home and we clean our rooms.

3 Cosas Interesantes Por Esta Unidad De Ciencias…

  • La primera cosa interesante de esta unidad es todos los mareas, yo ni sabía que la gravitatoria de la luna se hace las mareas mover.
  • La segunda cosa interesante son los eclipses lunar y eclipses solar yo nunca los ha visto uno pero son tan interesantes de aprender de.
  • La tercera cosa interesante es cuan lejos es el sol de la tierra, ahora para humanos si lo hacemos muy pequeño la tierra y la luna esta en Zeeland pero el sol seria en Grandville.

Letter to the King of Portugal

Dear King Juan,

Elizabeth, Poseidon, Zeus ,and I Athena, we will be coming to se you tomorrow,and we will be offering to sail for you.

We will tell all about our experience and what we are going to bring.

We would like you to start thinking about it know so that way your decision tomorrow will be more easy.

Yours truly Elizabeth,Poseidon,Zeus, and Athena, hope to see you tomorrow.

Good internet reaserach

  1. For good internet research you can use google to check that website by searching it and if there acutely is something like what you searched.
  2. you can search .edu or search .gov. to make sure that it is real because those websites usually don’t lie.
  3. If you get allot of answers you can be more specific to get more specific results of what you are searching.
  4. You can use the easy Who is Machine or the Way back Machine to check owner to see who owns it so that way you can call or email or even go to their house to ask them about it.


P.S. Never use Wikipedia and use a – to omit a result and look for gray lines.

reaction to Columbus’s exploration…

The reaction to Christopher’s exploration was that they brought lots of Americans back to be slaves and most of them died on the way there and if they didn’t serve them in time there hands would get cut of and they had to get gold and farm, and so many of them died that they had to start going to africa to get slaves again and again and again because America was to far to keep going back and forth to get slaves.

3 favorite books

My favorite book is “The House of Hades” and its about these group of kids who have special powers and they went n a quest to find the mother earth to destroy her before she destroys them.

My second favorite book is “The last Olympian”  And it is about the same group of kids who go on a quest to save the world from the terrible Kroonos who took the form of Annabeth boyfriend.

My third favorite book is ” The Holy Bible” and it talks about what God said to different prophets and his people who praise him and it talk about when Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

Northwest and southwest Indians, Differences

Northwest                            Southwest

In the Southwest the Indians ate little meat since                                                                                        animals were scarce, and they had little water so they        ate corn,beans,and squash. For houses the Indians   made pueblo houses and hogans out of stone and adobe brick. For the clothes they made cloths out of cotton and embroidery. For art they did pottery and weaving . For the traditions they had kachina dane ceremonies and Kiva ceremonies.

In the Northwest they would eat fish and berries. They had houses made out of cedar wood and they each held many families. For clothes they had rain gear out of bark and regular clothes of cedar wood. For art they made masks out of wood,wooden baskets ,and totem poles. For traditions they had potlatch ceremonies.

Explicar tu razonamiento

Como cambiar 3 y 1 octavo a un fracción. Primero multiplicas ocho por tres y es igual a…veinte y cuatro. Después de esto sumas veinte y cuatro más uno y es igual a…veinte y cinco. Después de hacer esto tu tomas el denominador que es ocho en mi caso y tu tomas el gran número que es veinte y cinco y lo pones juntos para formar una fracción que es veinte y cinco octavos.



If you were a native american what would you do?

Being a native american would be awesome because I would be able to do anything! First I would go and play in the forest then I would go swimming then I would eat dinner! But in the camp I would help my dad go hunting and I would help mom cook. But if we were on the move I would discover new states and learn new languages. I would also learn how to do different dances and I would go and catch fish with dad (cause Leah my 12 year old sister doesn’t know how to) and I would go and make toys. But I would go trade to of course because we need stuff that we would not have that other people might have. I would also run around with my friends until we would be so tired we could barley stand, also I would go and hike in the woulds and catch animals and help animals that are hurt. At night I would go sit by he fire and listen to scary story’s, and different legends. Also I would sing and dance and make up knew songs all the time.But of course the main thing that I would do is just have fun and be me. Also i would help dad with all kinds of stuff like making houses and cutting down wood, I would help mom with the house and the laundry, and I would help grandpa with the fields. Sometimes it might be really hard but sometimes it might be really easy.

Shout silently!

Shout silently (actions that speak) Psalm 19:3-4 is about how Gods creation can shout silently like the mountains and the ocean and a lot of other things that I can not name, but his creation can also speak LOUDLY! like storms and lions and a lot of other things two, but Shout silently is mostly about how are actions can shout silently and people can see right away and say “Wow that person is a christian” and so for your actions to Shout silently you need to do what God would do.

Ensayo Literario:No Debes Mentir

“Nunca debes mentir”

“Blues sin guitarra” Por Maggie Cooper

¿Has mentido para todo tu vida? Yo si. Yo creo que todos han mentido por lo menos una vez cada año. Por ejemplo si tu no le gustas lavar tus dientes, tal vez has mentido de esto. Puedo decirte algo muy muyimportante, listos tres dos uno aqui vamos, mentir es pecado y si tu pecas y preguntas a Dios perdonarte, el te va a perdonarte y el lo va a olvidarlo. Sigas con esto en tu mente por siempre y toda tu vida. Él autor Gary Soto enseña lo mismo en su cuento “Blues sin guitara” que es no debes mentir.

No debes mentir porque si mientes vas a sentir muy mal. No mientes y vas a ser feliz, ya se que yo no soy feliz porque miento MUCHo. Él autor Gary Soto dice que no debes mentir. Por ejemplo enseñó esto en su libro cuando Fausto se mintió un miento muy grande que era, que el encontro un perro 6 calles de su casa y él dijo que él lo encontró en él carretera, para ganar un premio, y después de esto el se sintió muy malo porque el vio que el hiso algo muy malo y no la quiso hacer. También el autor Gary Soto enseñó esto en su libro que cuando mientes que vas a sentir malo, cuando  Fausto se fue a la Iglesia sin que nadie le preguntara, y dio billete de veinte dolares a Dios.

También algo para siempre recordar es que”Dios siempre te perdona”. Por ejemplo en el final del libro Fausto quería una guitarra y el final del libro después de dar el dinero a Dios el se recibió una guitarra. ÉL autor Gary Soto también nos comunicó que siempre cuando haces algo mal (PECAR) que Dios va a perdonar a ti y olvidar que paso. El autor Gary Soto nos enseñó en su libro no mentir es algo muy importante porque vas a sentir mal, como Fausto el sentio tan mal que el fue a la Iglesia solamente para dar su pecado a Dios.

Pecar siempre se pierde. El autor Gary Soto enseña esto cuando… “Fausto se desperto esta mañana sintiendo mal. -Voy a la Iglesia mamá- Dijo Fausto – Bueno para ti hijo- Dijo su mamá. -Bueno para ti- Repitió su hermano mayor a través de una cara. Cuando el cestón se pasó por Fausto el sintió su billete, lo saco y lo puso en el cestón.” En esta parte, el pecado se perdió porque Fausto lo dio a Dios y Dios lo mató. También el pecado se pierde porque…”Fausto decidió no preguntar por una guitarra, sino esperar hasta que alguien le preguntaría a él. Este día su mamá lo pregunto a él-Quieres una guitarra hijo mío?- con un tono de voz como si estuviera esperando hasta que Fausto digiera no. Mi cara se puso tan brillante que ni necesitaba decir algo, mi mamá ya lo sabia. El día siguiente su abuelo vino, y le dio una guitarra a Fausto.” El pecado perdió en este parte también porque el término con una guitarra.

Es verdadero, “No mentir” que yo mismo me voy a parar de mintir.

¿Que va  a hacer ústed?

Market day refletion

Market Day Reflection


Business can be hard because it can be hard to work together. Because sometimes your group can get in fights, and sometimes that will make it harder to work together. Also if your product is not selling well you and your group may get very stressed out because you might not know what to do. Another example, is that if you are in trouble as in something isn’t working out right, then it might get hard.

Critical Thinking

Don’t buy what you don’t need. Because if you buy something that you do not really need than you might not have enough money to buy the stuff you need. Also you might need something that you did not realise that you needed. Another example is that if you need more of a product than what you expected.


Try to think out of the box. Because if you do not think out of the box people might think that your product is boring. For example, kids might not think that the money that they have left is worth buying your product because they might think it is boring or not cool. Also if you do not think out of the box then your product won’t be cool and creative.


Be ready to answer questions. Because if you are not prepared to answer a question you might just stand there not knowing what to say. For example if they ask you a question and if you are not prepared to answer a question they might not invest in your product if it is a very important question that you do not know the answer.

What was the BEST thing about market day?

The best thing about market day is the actual market day where you get to sell and see other groups products. Because it is fun to sell to the other kids and to be able to try to kind of steal from other kids booths like what my team did. Also the selling was really fun because I got to see what everybody wanted to buy and play with and eat. Another example is that you get to watch all of the sixth grade kids get all crumpled up by all of the food.

What is one thing you would change if you had yo do it again?

If i could change one thing I would change my product. Because all of the middle schoolers only want food. And because are product took a long time to sell, even though we did a test with a class and most of them wanted the product that we were going to make except none of them bought it.

What is the most important thing you learned about market day? How will his impact your future learning?

The most important thing i learned about market day, is that you have to be flexible and happy with your customers. That can impact my future job by if i want to work at a store or even just to sell something.

Market Day Prediction

What are you most excited about for Market Day? I am most excited for the Raffle on the Duck Tape Wallet.

What are the strengths of your group? How will this help? The strengths of my group is making products, and this will help today because we got all of our products done.

What are you most nervous about for Market Day? Why are you nervous about it? I am nervous about selling, because I dont know if all f my products are going to sell.

Do you think that you will sell all of your product? Why or why not? I do not know I think that we will sell are product but I do not know if it will all sell.

What will you do if your group isn’t selling anything? I think that we will go and go to the people or make the price lower.

How will you remain positive even if things are not going as planned? We will just count are money and convinse people to buy are stuff.

What will you do if your product sells out right away? How will you remain humble? We will make sure that we have all of our money, then we will tell the costumers that we are all sold out.

What is your overall prediction of the day? My prediction is that we will sell out but just not right away.

Es un ángulo recto. Esta en la luz . Es un ángulo recto porque hay un lugar después un punto después un otro lugar. También es un ángulo recto porque hay un punto donde la luz y se va por dos lados para convertir en un ángulo recto.

¿Como demostró David su fidelidad a DIOS y confianza en el?

David demostro su fidelidad a DIOS cuando el confio que el podia matar a Goliat, como el lo ayudo a salvar las ovejas de un leon y el confia en que DIOS puede hacer la misma cosa con Goliat y  salvar a los Israelitas. Estos dos historias son lo mismo porque Goliat es el tigre y los Israelitas son las ovejas y David es el y confio en DIOS porque el sabia que el podia salvar a las Israelitas bien como las ovejas. Tambien el se confio en Dios cuando se enfrento a Goliat y Goliat solamente tenia su armadura pero David el tenia el todopoderoso DIOS a su lado para matar a Goliat.


Tal como David quiero confiar en que DIOS se va a sanar a mi abuelo quien tiene parkancins. Yo tambien me confio en que Dios me va a ayudar durante la natación, y tambien me va a  ayudar cuando vamos a colorado por dos semanas enteras. Tambien quiero confiar en Dios que el me va a dar sabiduría cuando es l tiempo del Día de mercado y tambien quiero confiar en que Dios me va a ayudar a nuestro equipo para el D´â de mercado para que nosotros nos podemos  terminar todo en tiempo para el Día que tenemos el Día de mercado y que podemos vender todos nuestros productos.