My Little Brothers Broken Arm

A couple Days ago my little brother broke his arm.  When he broke it he was 11-months old.  Not long later he turned one.   If you are wondering his birthday is on the twenty-eighth of April.  He broke it by falling of my parents bed.  My dad was asleep  and my mom was in the bathroom.  When my mom left he was entirely asleep but when my mom came back  he had fallen of the bed and was crying.  About a week  later my mom found out that his arm was broken.  My brother Had to be in a cast for ten days.  He turned  one in a cast.

My Favorite Subject

My favorite subject is probably social studies.  I like the subject because it can involve history, and I think historical things are fun.  We recently have started a unit about old fashioned lumbering, mining, and farming.   I thought that River Hogs were cool.  Those were people road logs down the river.

Internet Searching

How to get a good search


1.Elaborate your search

2.Type a domain but type “site:”  first

3.Don’t search in wikipia or payed search’s

4.Type a  “- ____________”  insted  of  a domain

March is Reading Month

For ‘March is reading month’  we did  a couple different things.  One of them was when our parent(s) came to our school and read to us.  Another time we got to dress up as a book character.  (I was Harry Potter).  Yet another time we went to family groups and read to family groups and read to each other.  The only bad thing about that was the person who was reading to me was in Mandarin emersion and I needed him to translate into English.  Those were the most memorable but there were other thing that happened too.  Although over all my favorite was a tie with the ‘dress-up like a book character day’ or the day when  my mom came to school.  It was fun while it lasted!

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