


In science class we had groups that we were in and we had to make a volcano. We had to do either a composite, shield, or cinder cone volcano and recreate a real volcano. My group decided to do a shield volcano and recreated the Mana Loa volcano. We made it out of playdough and painted it brown. For the lava flow we did red, orange and yellow paint. For the aa we did red paint and pieces of playdough. for the magma chamber, the pipe, crater, vent, and the magma out of red paint. The pyroclastic was cotton balls. Our hot spring was lots of colors on the side. Our side vent was a bottle cap. By the cut out we did layers of lava and cinders out of paint. We labeled everything with tape.

Next week we are going to have them explode using baking soda and vinegar or diet coke and mentos.

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