Newsletter 16: Week ending January 17

We had another great week of school together! On Thursday morning Maestra Barends subbed in our classroom while I pulled students to work with me individually. I absolutely love sitting with your children one on one and these assessment days are some of my favorites! I’m so proud of each child in our class for the way they continue to work hard and for all the progress they’ve already made!

Important Dates & Reminders

  • Treats: Just a friendly reminder that we share non edible treats for birthdays etc. in order to keep all our friends safe and healthy. This way we’ll all be able to enjoy the fun together.
  • Monday, January 20: No School (teacher pd)
  • Thursday, January 23: All school chapel 9:00
  • Friday, January 24: Wear red to school to celebrate Chinese New Year with our Mandarin friends! This is an important festival and holiday time in China.
  • Thursday, January 30: We will head to For the Kidz Gymnastics for a field trip! I hope to leave school at 9:45 and return at 11:45.
    • Please make sure your child is dressed in comfortable clothes and is wearing socks.
    • Please turn in signed waivers.
    • Please pack a lunch for your child. We will be back to school in time for lunch, but not quite enough time to get hot lunch.
    • I am all set for drivers this time. Thank you! 🙂


Bible: In Bible we are walking through the events of Jesus’ ministry. This week we read about Jesus teaching The Lord’s Prayer and blessing the children.

Matthew 19:14 But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them. For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Mateo 19:14 Pero Jesus dijo, “Dejad a los niños venir a mí y no se los impidais. Porque de los tales es el reino de los cielos.”

We learning  this song by Steve Green to help us memorize our Bible verse. The lyrics are from our Bible verse. Please click here to share the song with your child. (Please be aware of unpredictable ads that may play before the song.)

Literacy: In grammar we continued to talk about the order of adjectives. We quickly discovered that, contrary to English, in Spanish the adjective comes after the noun. Our literacy centers continue to go well and we are just over halfway through the alphabet!

  • Reading strategy: Questioning
  • Read aloud: Los Pollitos Dicen (This is also a song! Click here to view the Youtube video, but be careful for unpredictable ads that play before the video starts.)
  • Vocabulary words:
    • las alas (wings)
    • el maíz (corn)
    • el trigo (wheat)
    • los pollitos (chicks)
  • Word wall word: bien (good)
  • Phrase of the week: Estoy emocionado/a. (I’m excited.)
  • Words on the wall so far: el, él, no, la, si, sí, mamá, y, papá, soy, en, tu, tú, es, de, bien

Math: We are looking for number patterns. When we wrote out 1+1=2, 1+2=3 and continued we saw that it was like counting up. When we began with 10-1=9 9-1=8 and continued we saw that it was like counting down. We continue to work on number writing and counting.This week we practiced writing the big numbers we’ve been studying. At last we finished our book of number writing and we were excited to bring it home!

Writing Workshop: We are also looking for patterns in books! This kind of book has a phrase or word that repeats on each page. It also usually has a theme. This week each kindergartener started a book about zoo animals and the pattern Aquí está ____. There is (a) _____. With this we continue to practice stretching out words and listening for all the sounds we can write to spell that word.


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