
Senate Session

Filed Under (Uncategorized) by on April 9, 2013 and tagged

In History, we had a senate session with our class/country. What I enjoyed, was seeing all of the work that people put into thier jobs. What frustrated me was when people would amend the motions so much just to be have something uniqe. There was a amend on almost every motion! It wasted time, and most of the time in the end of the voting, we ended up with the original idea anyway. What surprised me was how non serious people took the session. They would change things like wanting sparkles, random colors, and animals on our flag.

What I learned about myself is that when something isn’t going right i want to jump in and change what is happening. Sometimes that is a good thing and sometimes that isn’t always very good. I also learned that my class is very independent in different ideas. It seemed like all of us had a different idea about one thing. We always had a hard time agreeing on something. What i learned about our class government is that we need to have more compromises. That way, we can all agree. This also is what i learned about the way the world works. Our country’s government has to agree seriously. They have to have a formal session.

One of my favorite things about the Senate Session is learning how sessions like this work in the real world. It is really interesting. If we have another session, I would make some people be more serious about what is happening so they don’t vote on random ideas to make our country look like a joke.

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