Africa Entry Event

On Thursday and Friday we did thing were we would write down what we thought Africa was like, like what words we think describes Africa. Most of us thought that Africa was a poor country. On Friday the teachers passed out cards to every person in the grade and the teacher would say like all the black 7 of spades stand up and stuff like that, and that would represent like how much money that a percent of people in a country make money a day, electronics they have, or stuff like that. I learned that Africa isn’t the most developed country and that most of the people there don’t make much money and they don’t have very big houses. Also that all the people there aren’t black there are some white people there. I would like to know more about what jobs the parents can get and how much money the parents would make a day, or if they even have a job or even if they make any money. How they live if they have a really small house and a bigger family. If the parent doesn’t have a job and they have a decent size family like how they would be able to feed their family or like be able to buy/find food for their family to live.

Bio Poem


Who is a cousin of Harrison

Who is hyper, crazy, and silly

Who loves soccer, video games, and God

Who dislikes homework

Who fears homework, heights, and green vegtables

Who likes running, jumping, and eating

Who would like to visit Alaska, play video games, and eat chocolate

Who is very good at defense by blocking people and not letting the score in soccer

Who lives in Zeeland Michigan


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