The Stoning Of Stephen

Maguire Wiersma:8C

~The Stoning Of Stephen~

Stephen was a man that was full of the Holy Spirit, he was full of God’s grace and power, chosen to spread the word of God to other people. He became a very powerful man with God among him. The members of the synagogue of the Freedmen, started to dislike what Stephen was doing and didn’t want the Holy Spirit among them, so they started to argue with Stephen, but they could not stand up against the wisdom that the Holy Spirit gave him as he spoke. They persuaded some men that Stephen was speaking blasphemy against Moses and against God. They had rounded up some men to find Stephen and bring him to the sanhedrin where they would talk about him to the elders and teachers of the law, and told them that this man (Stephen) would never stop speaking against the holy place and against the law. All who were sitting at the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen and say that his face was like a face of an angel. When the people of the synagogue heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at Stephen. But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit looked up into heaven and said look there is the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God. They covered their ears and yelled at the top of their lungs and charged at him and grabbed him and then dragged him into the city. The witnesses laid their coats down at the feet of a young man named Saul.  While they were stoning him, Stephen said a prayer to God and said, “Do not hold this sin against them” Then fell to his knees and cried out. After he had said this he fell asleep and never woke up again.



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