Ice Scraper

I talk a ton

Jesus’ Crucifiction


When Jesus died he had seven last “words”. When we studied these words we found that they each represent something that we need to do like have forgiveness, be obedient and more. To me these are helpful verses or commands that Jesus gave us and that we should not just ignore them. The one that I was the most impacted by was giving hope to the hopeless, just because I feel like I am in so much of a “christian bubble” that I don’t have a chance almost. I think that these are important words that we need to obey and follow.

Math Word Problem


Maddie made 3.2×10^5 cookies in her kitchen. After she finished baking, Nicole ate 2.5×10^2 cookies. How many cookies does Maddie have left?

The first step in this equation is to turn the scientific notation into numbers again, so 1.2×10^5 becomes 320,000 and 2.5×10^3 becomes 250. Then you subtract 320,000 by 250 which is 319,750. The last step it to turn it into scientific notation so 3.1975×10^5. Maddie has 3.1975×10^5 cookies left.

Thematic Writing


Nicole Buursma Buursma 1
Mrs. Roskamp
8A, LA
October 21, 2014

Thematic Writing
One of the books that I have recently read is Divergent written by Veronica Roth. This is a story about a 16 year old girl living in Chicago, but its a future Chicago. They are told that after a war they were sealed off through the wall around the city and they split them self into factions to keep the peace, Abnegation, the selfless, Dauntless, the brave, Candor, the honest, Erudite, the intelligent, and Amity, the kind. Tris goes through the drama of choosing to leave her family and join the Dauntless. There she meets Tobias and when they aren’t affected by the controlling of the Dauntless because they are divergent, they stop the Erudite who are trying to overthrow the Abnegation. They make it out side of the wall and find out that it is just a test, a scientific test, that the city was made to “create” more divergent and when they realize that the scientists are trying to re-start the program by wiping everyones memory, they make it so the scientist memory is wiped instead. Anyone can make a difference is the main theme in Divergent, and this theme is shown in many ways throughout this novel.
When Tris is living in the abnegation part of the city it shows how she was just a normal person. All it took for her to begin her journey to saving the city was making the hard decision of becoming dauntless. It was hard for her, it would have been hard for anyone, but being dauntless was what she had always wanted and felt like she could be good at. Also when she is in training and was falling behind she could have just said that she just wasn’t strong enough like every one else falling behind, but she didn’t take no for an answer. She spent every spare time she had training, getting better, until she was near the top of the list.
Also, when the dauntless that are fighting for freedom of people were back in the dauntless “headquarters” the Erudite told them that they would make three people jump and die through mind control every day until a divergent would turn them self in. When Tris decides to turn herself in the theme is shown very well because she didn’t have to but she chose to because she didn’t want anyone
Buursma 2 else to die. When Christina was hanging by the chasm because of Eric and needed a little bit of encouragement Tris took it into her hands and started telling her that she could do it, and thanks to that, Christina got back up!
The theme is shown in so many ways, not just through Tris’s actions but also through a lot of the people around her. Like when Peter takes it into his hands to mess the things instruments being used to kill Tris, he saves her life and all he needed to do is step up. When Tris is headed to the dauntless headquarters and she needs people to come with her to help stop the dauntless being controlled, Marcus, Caleb, and her dad say they will help, and thanks to that most of the abnegation lived.
Anyone can make a difference is the main theme in Divergent, and this theme is shown in many ways throughout this novel. I think that this book is inspirational and encourages people to take a stand. I like how at the beginning of the book Tris is not brave, not strong but because she chose to be thats what she became. To me the way the Tris’s courage is shown and how anyone can do what they decide to do is shown very well done and that it is an amazing book that everyone should read.

New thing that I learned in math


In math so far I have learned how graphing functions. When you are graphing functions you first make a chart, x is the impute and y is the output. You start with an equation like 3+x=y and then you plug in different numbers for x like -2, -1, 0, 1, and 2. Then you use the x’s for the x access and the y for the y access, then you’ve graphed a function.

Theme Writing


Nicole Buursma
Mrs. Roskamp
LA, 8A
8 September 2014
Theme Writing
They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.
When our grade went to camp we chose our theme verse. We all split into groups and looked through the bible. Each group chose their favorite and presented it to the whole grade. After praying we voted on which one to use and decided to have Shout silently-actions that speak would be our theme and Psalms 19:3-4 our theme verse. Being an 8th grader this year I can use our theme shout silently at school and when I get home.
As an 8th grader our theme means a lot to me. It means that I need to use actions that speak all the time, like in the hall, when a kid walks by maybe give them a high five. Or if someone dropped something to help pick it up. It means to be inviting to everyone. And maybe offer to share my book or laptop if someone forgot theirs.
As a christian our theme means a lot to me. It means that I need to use actions that speak to show Gods love to everyone I meet. Like maybe say hi instead of just walking by someone, or offering
to walk the dog at my house when no one else wants to. It means putting others first, like in the car, offering to take the worst seat so someone else can sit in the front. Or maybe do that chore that you hate without complaining.
Being an 8th grader this year I can use our theme shout silently at school and when I get home.
I believe that by choosing this theme we have taken on a big responsibility of having actions that speak. And that we need to share it with everyone.

Nuestro Cominidad


Photo on 6-4-14 at 12.42 PM

La flor de madagascar


Hay un robo en madagascar y una chica italiana llamada Mara, una chica de las calles llamada Rani, y Anyá un conductor tiene que resolverla. Ellos van en una varia de adventuras y grupan para resolverlo. Ellos encuentran que eran geneticly hecho insectos y van deregreso a sus dias de vacaciones.
En leyendo este libro yo me di cuenta de que madagascar no es como realmente mira en la pelicula. Madagascar, en unos aspectos, es como la E.E.U.U.. Tiene los ricos, tienen cosas como “Taxis”, y tienen personas como yo. Este libro es muy interesante com peligro en cada esquina.

Union Africana


Mi parte favorito de la día era la votación sobre las ideas. Yo me aprendí como un discusión sobre ideas de política. La parte mas difícil de todo era la decisión de que votar para. Después de todo esto yo se mas información sobre Africa, y mi perspectivo es diferente, como antes de esto cuando pensé de Africa pensé de todo pobre, pero no es como esto. Era muy diferente y divertido negociar con las otras países.
Este actividad era significativo porque aprendimos tanto, como tener discusiones y tanto información sobre Africa. Yo me aprendí que yo me soy poco bueno en negocios. Yo me aprendí que muchas otras personas son buenos en negocios también.
Esto me desafío para actuar como el E.E.U.U. no es el única parte del mundo. Esto me desafío también para tratar a otra personas diferente porque mi mente es ampliado. Mi role en la comunidad internacional es que yo me puedo influenciar a los alrededor de mi. Yo me soy desafiado para actuar mas como Africa existe, no solo mi “mundo.”

Plant Cell Edible Model


In science we made a cell model out of edible materials. My group chose to make a plant cell and we used things like mik n’ ikes to make the different parts.

Photo on 5-21-14 at 10.02 AM #2

Photo on 5-22-14 at 9.53 AM

The Lords prayer


“…Give us today our daily bread.” (Mathew 6:11)
This verse is important to me because God takes care of us and he gives us what we need. In this verse the the prayer is totally relying on God, totally trusting him with our lives, like our food to eat, and to me thats very important.

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