Alexander Hamilton was born on a Caribbean and was one of the driving forces of the Constitution. His father abandon his family when he was ten and his mother died four years later. He grew up in a society based on slavery but thought it was evil.  Hamilton was a genius and was sent to college by two people. He joined the continental army  and became one of Washington’s top aids. He moved to New York after the war. He founded the system of checks and balances and was the first secretary of treasury. Hamilton dueled eleven times. He died in 1804.

Aaron Burr was the first modern american politician. He moved to New York after the war and wanted to become rich and powerful. Burr loved a good time. He was genius at political strategy. He became a candidate for vice-president after two years of being in senate. He wanted equal rights for woman.  He lost his reputation after he finished last in the election and blamed Hamilton for it. he died in 1836.

The duel started because Burr blamed Hamilton for ruining his reputation. Burr than look for evidence so he could challenge Hamilton to a duel. He found this evidence in a newspaper that showed a letter written by Dr. Cooper. He than sent a letter to Hamilton, but Hamilton refused to apologize and sent Burr back a carefully crafted letter. So according to the code of honor they had to duel. Bothe Burr and Hamilton keep the duel a secret from their families but wrote letters to them incase they were killed. They cast lots to see who would shoot first. They then got in to position and Hamilton shot first. He missed but we don’t know if it was on purpose or not. Then Burr shot and hit Hamilton. H died thirty-six hours later with his family at his side. Burr was charge for murder and had to leave New York and his mansion.

I think that it is bad that people tried to resolve their issues by dueling each other with the possibility that someone with be shot. I think it is especially bad when it is over something so small like someone insulting someone else and refusing to apologize, but I find it weird that Burr was charged for murder even though it was done according to the code of honor.


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