November 13

Toy Story 4

I think toy story 4 should be about buzz, Woody,Jessie,Bullseye, etc. Bonnie go’s nuts to find her toys back. She went outside and found rex’s leg in the neighbor yard. She go’s to her neighbor and said”want to  play in your backyard.” “sure” They played hide and go seek. bonnie hide in the dog house and she found Woody’s hat. Bonnie asked her friend “have you seen my toys, because I lost them today” “no” “Ok.” Later that evening Bonnie went to her sister room and found her toys.


the end

November 6

Grand Haven Planetarium

1.I learned about solar eclipse and lunar eclipse. I learned how season are changed. I learned where the sun is position.


2.I thought that it was cool how the guy had to click a button to show us stars millions of miles away,and we got to see Gods solar system, and how there was a dog in the school!


3.One is how God made the solar system in one or two words, and how many stars God made, and how God made the whole universe.