Ideal Church vs. Early Church


In bible class we are learning about our ideal church and the early church and how they are different. The early church gave to anyone that had need and our ideal church we don’t give anything except to get something.

I think the Early church had it right. They always shared what they had they didn’t car who it was. our church gives to get things, but the early church gave to get nothing back.

math project revive


We thought that a pyramid would be a good thing to do. We thought that a person that didn’t have anything but 2 sides would be a good idea. the answer is 6.54 I think the result is right because I measured it and checked the answer to make sure it was right

Tina has to make a model pyramid for a project. The problem is, she forgot an angle. Luckily, she remembers two of them. However, she has no idea what to do. She already made one side of the pyramid with somewhat expensive materials, so she can’t just remake it. She also doesn’t have a ruler anymore, so she can’t measure it either. That’s why you’re here to help her. According to her the base of the triangle is two and a half inches. and the hypotenuse of the triangle is seven inches. what is the last angle which makes the height of the pyramid.