Tagged: BibleMinkus

Something is Rotten

I choose an apple because That was the start of sin and Adam and Eve tried to hide it. That only made it worse and they were sent away from God. I feel like we can be like Adam and Eve sometimes and hide our sins. We try hiding our sins by blaming other people or lying about it. That only makes it worse and gets us into only more trouble. So we should ask for forgiveness and take the blame for what we have done wrong.

A Symbol of a Lamp

I chose the sun because God’s presence is an ever-burning lamp. Just like the sun because we rely on the sun for food and warmth. It is there all the time for us just like God even at night time when we don’t see it. God can be like that too sometimes we feel like he is not with us but he is. He is constantly watching over us and guiding us in the right direction.  I feel like this fits in with the Israelites because God was always present in their lives leading them through rough times and good times. So we just have to remember that God is always with us.

Sinai Law


I chose a soccer ball because that can be a distraction from God for me. I feel like I always need to be getting better and always working on how I can be the best but, I need to be more focused on God. I need to see what he want me to do to honor him whether that be hanging out with family or friends or leading someone in the right direction. I feel like this fits in the with the Israelites because they had golden calves and it distanced them from what they were supposed to be doing. I feel like soccer does that to me sometimes. So the lesson of this is to make sure you remove any golden calves and set time aside for God.

Slide to Destruction

I chose a snowball rolling down a hill because something little can turn out to be something big. This can be a good thing or a bad thing. Whether a good or a bad thing the little things add up so if you are doing small sins they can lead you to get into big trouble. If you do little good things it can put you in a great spot. It can lead to you being successful or being a bad person. I feel like this fits with the Israelites because they did a lot of little bad things and it led them into exile. So you can choose your own path and you should be aware of what you are doing.


Conflict and Doubt


I chose the Bible because I when I doubt God sometimes this is where I go. I also pray because both of these things brings answers to your doubts. I feel like this fits in with Moses when he doubted God because God always came to save them or fulfilled the promise in the end. This also fits with fits with Abraham when God did not fulfill the promise until



I chose a Christmas tree because

I believe the best covenant is Jesus. I think that he was the ultimate covenant and he saved us all and brought us closer to God. I think this fits in with the covenant because God made a promise that he would send a savior. Jesus was one and he is coming back and that was the promise Jesus made.  I also think this fits in with the Covenants the God makes because he always fulfills his promises. That’s what makes God great



I chose a lightbulb because I feel like God calls me to be a good example and give good ideas. Not ideas that will get people in trouble or that are bad but that will lead to good things.  I feel like this fits in with our Bible lesson because God calls us to be in his image. Sometimes, we do not really do that to get to a spot where we Think that we are in a more popular or better spot but really when you look back you feel stupid. I think that we should have the standard to be more like God and act like he would.

Salute to a king

I chose a basketball ball because I think we focus on things that we want too much versus what God wants. For me, that can be sports because I always want to get better but sometimes I have to slow down and realize that God is calling me in a different direction. For example to spend more time with family instead of just practicing and practicing and practicing. I think this fits in with the bible verse where Jerusalem wanted a king that would win all their military battles but, God wanted a king that would do what He said. But they did not realize what God wanted and they had a lot of bad kings. So for me, I have to slow down a realize what is God calling me to do. It might be, spending time with family, spending time with him, or, helping out others.