Themes of the Old Testament

Conflict and Doubt

There was a lot of conflict and doubt in the Bible times. A couple of examples of this was when Israel kept struggling with the fact if God was real or not. They would always go astray and would worship other God’s like the other nations. Then God would send a nation to punish them. Then they would cry out to the lord and ask God to save them, then God would deliver them and they would believe for a while, then the cycle would start all over again. Also Jacob in the bible literally wrestled with God and God placed his hand on Jacob’s hip and it was dislocated. The picture I chose was a picture of nature, it shows God’s marvelous hand it also helps me believe some times if I’m struggling with the realization if God is real or not. I have learned from this though that this beautiful nature could not have been created by humans or by accident. There has to be a wonderful God.



In the bible times a lot of slavery and salvation happened. One time this happened was when Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. Another example of this is when Moses was born into slavery. But every time God delivered them. Every time people intended harm but it was part of God’s great plan, and it turned out all right. The example I have is the water. It always stays the same, it goes through the water cycle but it always ends up as water again.


Sinai Law

In the bible times God gave us the ten commandments. Not to punish us but to protect us from the worldly ways. The laws covered every part of life and is the law of life. Some people do not follow some of the laws though. Some worship Technology, money and fame. The image I have is the safety on a gun. It keeps you from shooting kinda like the ten commandments, which keeps you from sinning.



Salute To The King

In the bible times there was a thing called the cycle of the judges. The way it would work was the people of Israel would sin and turn away from God, then God would sent a judge to teach them the right way again. After a while the Judge would die and the people would sin again. God would then send a nation to take over and exile the Israelites. They would cry out to God and God would save them. The the cycle would start all over again. Everyone back then did as they saw fit but did not serve the Lord. Today do we do what God wants or do we do what Culture wants. A connection I have with this lesson is Video Games. Do I want to play video games like the culture wants, or do I want to study Bible Memory like God wants?


Symbol of the lamp

 In the bible times God promised that he would send Jesus through the line of David. And he said Jesus would be the light of the world. Some people were wondering why Jesus would go through David’s line because he made many mistakes. But God said David was a man after God’s Own Heart. The Symbol I chose was a lamp. Because Jesus is the light of the world.


Something is rotten

In the bible times Israel had a lot of rotten kings. God sent Elijah to talk to the kings and try to get them to change. Nobody listened to Elijah. So after a while of trying Elijah got tired of talking to the people and told the king to go to the top of Mt. Carmel. At the top Elijah said make a alter and sacrifice a ram on it and call out to your God to light it. They did and nothing happened. Then Elijah said pour a ton of water on mine and once they had done this Elijah called out to the lord and the lord lit it on fire. In this story the kings did as they saw fit. They didn’t care what God wanted and instead did and they wanted. My symbol is a king. Because that reminds me of that story.


Slide To Destruction

In the bible times there was a lot of sin. King after king of Israel worshiped baal the Idol. So did the people. The way God would deal with this though is that he would send a mother nation like Babylon to take them over. There were only two good kings in the time of the bad kings though. But still the people sinned so they were conquered again. They didn’t care what God wanted and instead did and they wanted. My symbol is a no devices sign, Because whenever I get in trouble my technology gets taken away. This is nothing as bad as getting taken over by Babylon but it’s still a punishment.


A Savior

In the bible times. There was a thing called the sinia covenant. The people would always break it so God decided to write it on there hearts. This covenant did not require sacrifices because Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. After that God gave to David a the davidic covenant. This covenant had no requirement if one person broke the covenant the other one would stay true to his word. Also Isaiah gave the people pictures of Jesus that they could relate to. The picture I chose was a picture of a heart. It reminds me that the covenant is on your heart instead of on paper or stone tablets.

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