Montaña Rusa (marble roller coaster)

Yo hice una Montaña Rusa con mis amigos Zach, Eli y Chloe. Ellos estaban en nuestro grupo llamado “las cosas”. Nuetro Montaña Rusa fue hecho de papel y tenia contenedores con agua (habia 2 contenedores de agua) y tambien libros para sostener la montaña rusa.


i made a marble roller coaster with my friends Zach, Eli, and Chloe. Our group’s name was  “the things”. Our marble roller coaster was made with paper, containers and the containers were like lakes or pools.  It was held up by books.



out of all the acts we have studided in our time looking at the road to revolution , which do you consider to be the harshestand why?

I think the boston massacre was the harshest because it was with the solders and the solders started to shoot the colinest. And the colinest tryed to fight back . But the colinest did not have wepons. just because the colinest started throughing snow balls.And sticks at the solders and the solders were unhappy. And the solders thought the captain said fire. That is the massacre