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Book review

I am Number Four

This is an action, thriller, loyalty, friendship, and futuristic book.

The book is about 9 people who came from another planet called lorien. they were attacked by the mogadorians and only nine escaped. they were numbered one through nine. They came to planet earth. The mogadorians  came  looking for them. 1 2 3 are gone 4 5 6 7 8 9 are left. They can only kill them in order. Four is next.They are saving us from them. They are the only thing stopping humanity from disappearing . This is number four.

My favorite part about this book is the action and how thrilling it is. I am not a very alien space kinda person. But when I first saw this book it caught my I and I had to read it. It was an amazing book. It really was and there wasn’t any weird alien things they look like humans. It really is a great action book. imgres

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