
Love Snow!

Spaghetti and Marshmallow towers

Filed under: Uncategorized — sdeyoung19 at 11:09 pm on Monday, December 15, 2014

For the last week in science we have had the challenge of making a spaghetti and marshmallow tower, that will hold an egg and withstand an earthquake. We also only got $4,750 dollars, every spaghetti stick was $100 and every marshmallow was $50. The tower also had to be 40 centimeters tall. Throughout the week […]

The Holy Spirit

Filed under: Uncategorized — sdeyoung19 at 2:46 pm on Tuesday, December 9, 2014  Tagged

The Holy spirit is part of the trinity, it is fully God. The Holy spirit is alive within us, when we ask God to enter our hearts, the Holy spirit is with us so that we can teach and disciple others, just as Jesus did. The Holy Spirit comes in various different symbols. In the […]

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