If their were no government I think people wouldn’t have very much fun because the world would be full of malice. Nature would also be trashed. One of God’s greatest gifts to us as humans is the nature and it would be ruined. To be malevolent wouldn’t be a crime and people would constantly be getting injured. You wouldn’t be able to go to the hospital. Humans would treat others maliciously. The world would be dangerous.  People would drive drunk, speed, crash, kill and steal.

The U.S.A decided to make a preamble to their constitution. They said: we want to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty.

To establish justice means to make sure that every thing is reasonable and fair for everyone. To insure domestic tranquility is to have peace: no stress and no violence. To provide for the common defense is to make sure that we are ready to defend our country. To promote the general welfare is to promote well-being for the common good as well as to help the poor. Finally to secure the blessings of liberty is to pass on freedom and liberty to the future.imgres