I would probably have to go winter. I like the winter because we can go skiing. We can also go ice skating, sledding and a lot of other winter sports like hockey and indoor soccer. I also like the feeling of coming from outside and the freezing cold and entering my warm house and eating a good meal. Winter also means the football playoffs and bowl games. It also means MArch madness and making a bracket. Also during winter you get snow days and christmas vacation. That beats summer vacations off days because there expected, hot and loaded with work like gardening mowing and other stuff. Christmas vacation also means we sing the Christmas songs at church and we can celebrate Jesus’ entrance into the world to come and save us.  I also like being able to go outside and jump into snow banks and jump over snow banks. I also like playing tackle football even though my mom hardly lets us do that any more. I also just like getting into my warm wirnter stuff. The fun stuff from winter just outnumbers all the other ones making winter my  favorite season.