Every Kid Should Know How To Ride A Bike



  • Every kid should be able to ride a bike because it is a good way to get exercise, you can go places with the family, and it can get you places faster.

  • Every kid should be able to ride a bike because it is a good way to get exercise and stay active as much as possible. For example this year from January to May my family and I most of us all are doing a 100 mile challenge  to stay active it is a good way to exercise

  • Every kid should be able to ride a bike because then you can go on a family bike ride to a special place. For instance this year my Mom got a new bike and now we can have lots of fun biking to our cousins house.

Every kid should be able to ride a bike because it is fun and it can get you places faster than walking or running. One time when I walk to school it takes a long time but when I bike to school with my Dad it goes a lot faster.