Hebrew language

In the bible times they first wrote the bible in hebrew now they have it translated to english. In hebrew language they write their words with no spaces no punctuation they read it from right to left and all capital letters. I know how to unscramble hebrew I will unscramble this bible verse

HRTHTDNSNVHTDTRCDGGNNNGBHTN= In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

NSYLNDNNSHVGHTHTDLRWHTDVLSDGRF= For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son.

DRPTNSTTSBTNSDTYVNTNSDTDNKSVLTNTPSVL=Love is patient love is kind it envy it does not boast.



A Year at Mount Siani

These are some good and bad things that happened to the Israelites


The best thing that happened was – God gave them the Ten Commandments

The worst thing that happened was -the Israelites worshiped the golden calf

The loudest time was – The thunder at Mount Siani

The quietest time was-When Moses had just thrown down the Ten Commandments

The event with the most color was-When the made the curtains for the tabernacle

The darkest event was-when God said his presence would not go with them to the holy land

The best choice someone made was-when Moses went up the mountain to meet God

The worst choice someone made was- When Aaron made the golden calf