
horse crazy

Erosion Project

Photo on 5-14-15 at 2.00 PM #2


We have made models of two identical valleys. The first shows a relatively new river, that is flowing through a green valley. The river is very small and shallow. In the second model it shows the same river but a long time latter. The river has eroded the banks so the river a quite a bit wider, and the water has also made the river deeper.

Here is the vocab that we used on our models, and the meanings.

Meander- a loop or bend that occurs

oxbow lake- a meander cut off from a river

Tributary- a smaller river or stream that flows into a bigger river

Delta- where a river flow into the ocean leaving sediment
Beaches sand carried downstream by rivers spreads along coast

waterfall- a flat layer  of tough rock lies over a layer of softer rock

Rills- as runoff travels tiny grooves in the soil

Gullies- a large groove or channel fueled by rill, that carries runoff after a rainstorm

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Our Homemade Volcano

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This is our volcano, it was made out of  homemade play dough, a cup, a bottle cap, cotton ball, and lots of paint. It represents the mauna loa volcano which is a shield volcano. We made a cross section in it that shows the pipe, magma chamber, and the layers of lava and ash. Our labels include the vent, pipe, ash, pahoehoe lava, aa lava, hot spring, magma chamber, magma, crater, and side-vent.

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Nigeria Persecution

This week in bible class we have been focusing on Christian Persecution, the group I have been working with has been focusing in on persecution in Nigeria. Persecution in Nigeria is horrendous. There are thousands of christian being killed every year by radical muslims groups, mainly Boko Haram. The government doesn’t prohibit christianity, but they also don’t encourage it. The most recent attack by a radical muslim group happened in a girls schools, they kidnapped a lot of girls in the middle of the night and non of the girls have been returned that we know of. Can you imagine being kidnapped in the middle of the night by complete strangers?

Most of us have never even experienced anything even remotely like that. And we don’t really understand how scary it would be, and how we can help. Well there are a lot of ways that we can help. We can donate money, food, clothing, but most importantly we can donate our time. We can pray for them. After all we can control what happens in Nigeria, but God can and he’s in control.


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My Mystery

Sophie Ailes

8A 1

Mrs. Roskamp

2015 Feb. 19


It was a hot summer day. Ellie, Josie, and Sammie were all drenched in sweat, working hard in their yard, while Cadie was just sitting inside the nice cool house drinking lemonade. Before Josie had gone outside she set her shiny Apple Cell Phone on the kitchen counter because she didn’t want it to get dirty.

Ellie, Josie, and Sammie were all rather mad at Cadie for not helping with the yard work.  But at the same time Cadie was mad at the other girls because she had told them that she had a headache, and they were still mad at her for not coming out. Cadie was watching TV inside when she suddenly got the urge to go to the bathroom. She walked past the kitchen where Josie’s Apple Cell Phone was, to the bathroom.

While she was in the bathroom Sammie came inside to get some water. While she was inside she noticed a perfectly good apple on the counter, so she decided to eat it, noticing that it was particularly shiny. She also got a drink and went back outside. After about ten minutes Ellie came inside to get a bit of food. She took a few bites of food and proceeded to go back outside.

Fifteen minutes later Cadie returned from the bathroom. She noticed that there was an unfamiliar phone on the counter, but she didn’t worry about it because she figured it was just Ellie or Sammie’s phone. Cadie decided to take a nap. Josie came inside. Cadie woke up from her nap with a start. “Ahhhhhh!” shouted Josie. Everyone came inside, thinking that someone had died or something. Running inside like a stampede of elephants, they came to a halt right in front of Josie. “My Apple Cell Phone is gone!”. They all looked at her, relieved that no one had died or gotten injured.

“Could you have set it somewhere in the house?” asked Ellie, in a calm, assertive voice.

“ I set it right here on the counter!” Josie cried. She looked frantically all around the counter, on the floor, and even in the stinky trash.

“Wait, isn’t Josie too young to have a phone, at five years old?” queried Sammie.

“Grandma Cadie, Josie told us that she is missing her Apple Cell Phone.  Do you know if she has a cell phone?” asked Ellie. Cadie ambled to her feet, and slowly walked over to the group of perplexed girls.

“Oh my darlings! Would she tell you so if she didn’t have one?!? Of course she does. It is her toy, she plays with it all the time. Haven’t you guys seen her playing with it before, being cousins and all?” The girls shrugged.

Then Sammie said “I don’t think I have ever seen her playing with a cell phone before, all i’ve seen is her playing with an apple.. That I just assumed she would eat.”

“Don’t you get it dearies? The apple you are talking about is her Apple cell phone, because her parents don’t have enough money to buy her a good toy, she usually plays with food, and pretends its something she has always wanted. Don’t you understand? This time she was actually being really creative making an apple, an Apple Cell Phone.” Exclaimed Cadie.

“Oh man…. Was that apple on the kitchen counter?  Was it a shiny, green, apple? I think I might feel sick. Grandma I think I might have eaten her apple!” cried Sammie.

Cadie let out a gasp “Yes it was on the kitchen counter. Did you eat Josie’s apple cell phone?

“Oh Josie, I’m so sorry. I will give you one of my stuffed animal dogs, in fact you can even have three of them. I have about a billion, and I barely use them anymore.” said Sammie. “Wait one second! Who’s phone was on the counter. I didn’t recognize it.”

Cadie exclaimed “WHERE’S MY PHONE?!?!?!?”

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Stephen Project

This week we have been looking into the story of Stephen. Stephen was a man full of the word, and wanted to share it to everyone around him; even if it might mean death. He eventually got stoned to death because of what he believed in. Here is a liitle project I did on him.

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Spaghetti Egg Tower

Over the last few weeks we have been working on an egg tower project. Gabe, Elise, and I were put in a group, we were required to name a company that we could call our own, so we named  our company G.E.S. IN the making of this project we were asked to make a tower 40cm or over, that could withstand an earthquake. We had to make a diagram to show what our tower would look like. We had a lot of fun building our tower; Our plans turned out well, but when we started on the tower we ran into some problems. The tower that we had drawn in our plans, did not have enough support, so when we came back the next day to work on it, it had collapsed completely and most of our noodles had broken. Luckily we had bought insurance, so we got some more noodles, but they weren’t all covered. We had to start from scratch and we had no time so our new tower didn’t match the plan. Hopefully it last throughout the earthquake.

Photo on 12-15-14 at 12.38 PMPhoto on 12-15-14 at 12.38 PM #2

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Holy Spirit

          The Holy Spirit is a person, the third person in the Holy Trinity; God the Father, the Son, and and Holy Spirit, also known as the Godhead. The Holy Spirit is a divine person, with a mind, emotions, and a will. The primary role of the Holy Spirit is to bear witness of Jesus Christ. Sometime we think that God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are the same person, but they really are some of God’s attributes fall on the Son and the Holy Spirit as well. The Holy Spirit is such an amazing person, we would not be here without it.

        We are a Christian family are told to live in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives light to those who believes in Jesus. The Holy spirit is in a way our conscience, if we do something that we are not supposed to do we are lying to the Holy Spirit, but if we do something that we know is good we are making the Holy Spirit happy. Holy Spirit makes our lives full of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. In a way the Holy Spirit is a teacher to us, it is constantly revealing knowledge, and showing us about the bible. Without the Holy Spirit who would we be?

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Something I have learned in math this year is how to apply the pythagorean theorem and its converse. Here is a problem that I made.

~ Cherry is finding a piece of card board to put on top of a card-board box. The top of the box is 52 in wide and 24 in tall. What is the diagonal length of the piece of card-board that Cherry should use?

How To do it-First you use the theory A²+B²=C². A is how wide it is, B is how tall it is, and C will be the answer. So A is 52², so we will square 52, and the answer will come out to be 2,860. Then we find what it is squared, which is 576. The we add the two numbers, 3,436 is the total number. The we find the square root of 3,436, which is 58.6.

How can we use this theory in real life?

We can use it when we want to find the diagonal of an object if we don’t have a ruler or something to measure id with.


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Theme writting

-Sophie Ailes

My life has been like a series of Sand dunes, I have had my up and my downs.


When my Dad broke his leg on Thanksgiving two years ago, it was a really hard uphill climb for my family. Dad was in the hospital for weeks on end. He had to get a rod put in his leg, then he got an infection so he had to take that rod out and get a different temporary rod in for the infection. After about 6 medical procedures he finally got the permanent rod in. This was really hard for my family because we were not together at all during his time in the hospital. My mom was usually in the hospital with my dad so my grandma was taking care of us and we only got to visit him a few times. Even after he got home he stayed on the couch for weeks, and he couldn’t go to work. It was just hard for my family.


Even though my dad broke his leg, my family has actually gotten closer together. It has been a pleasant down hill walk. When my Dad was on the couch, we all spent a lot of time in the living room with him. We were spending more time together and playing games. We had lots of pleasant nights together. I believe we grew closer through that experience.


Sand dunes often have dune grass, my faith is similar to dune grass. I started off with very little knowledge of my faith and small roots, but as I get older my roots get stronger. As I get older, I feel as though my faith is getting a lot stronger and stronger. I have had a lot of great roll models throughout my life that have helped mold me into Christ’s image. School and church have also helped to mold me. I am so privileged to live in a free country where I’m allowed to worship and learn about God.


Lately my life has been a smooth lake. I have had a great time in school, and I have some awesome friends. We have a great time together. It has been a really smooth swim lately. Sports are fun and for the most part I love my team. Everything has just been going really well lately. 

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