Immigration Day

I thought immigration was the best day of the year so far. It was awesome to listen to all the stories that the people told us. One of the stories that Thong Chow told us was when he was at night and they had a light in their hand with bamboo in the other hand and they would see mice and hit it with the bamboo and then they would skin it and cook it over a fire and that would be their meal for the day. They also couldn’t go to school because they wanted them to work in the rice fields all day, and they would’t get payed at all. That just was one of the highlights of my day to hear that story. It was very interesting to hear his story.

This day was important to me because now I can see that there are other people around the world that go through this same thing. They have to wait a long time to get their visa or green card. This Opened my eyes and noticed that we think we are the only ones in the world and we just think of our selves. But other people in other countries go through a really hard time of not having any opportunity, freedom, the choice of religion.

This changed my perspective on the world on how we should look at other countries and how hard it is to immigrate into our country. And also just not that but other counties they force you to work when you are a kid and you can’t go to school. So that just changed me to not think just about me but other people.