Spaghetti Tower

Our tower didn’t go too well, our egg fell. We thought it was going to go well but there wasn’t the same shacking power, because Mr Devries isn’t a robot. During the work time one of us, who will remain nameless, shook the table and broke an egg and one of the supports. Right before we went on the machine one of the supports broke again.

Math Project: Pythagorean Theorem


Weston the Robot wants to know how far away from him his shadow is so that he knows what time it is. If he is 6 feet tall and his shadow is 10 feet long, how far how far away is his real head from his shadow head?
2 2 2
A + B = C
2 2 2
6 + 10 = C
36 + 100 = C
136 = C
√136 = C

C= 11.661 feet

We came up with the shadow idea because Weston was just brainstorming and then he thought of a shadow, so we thought of how it could do with a right triangle. Our result was 11.661 feet and it makes sense because we used the Pythagorean Theorem.


In science he have been making chains that can hold 7 pounds. Our chain is made up of pipe cleaners and string. The pipe cleaners have metal on the inside of them so that makes them strong. The string is for just extra support and it is very hard to break it, we tried. Everything went good, when we tested it out if could hold all of the weight. One time the knot on one of the pip cleaners broke and all of them fell, but now were good.