Week #13 & #14

Image result for grateful

¡Queridos Padres!

I am very Thankful and Grateful for each and every one of you! I hope and pray that all of you can have a blessed time with family and friends over this coming days. It will be a short week, therefore I am writing the information for the following two weeks.

Grace & Peace;

Maestra Ruiz

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions; please do not hesitate to contact me.



* Upcoming Events…

November 20
All School Chapel – 9:00 a.m.

November 21-23
Thanksgiving Vacation

November 26
Students Return

From the immersion program director
How do immersion teachers embed language instruction into content instruction? Our immersion teachers use an approach to teaching known as counterbalanced instruction. At its most basic level, this means that our teachers are continually striving to integrate linguistic instruction in the middle of the grade-level content. For example, while teaching a math lesson, an immersion teacher will be constantly aware of the linguistic focus for the week; as s/he encounters this concept in written or spoken language of the math lesson, s/he will encourage the students to notice and produce the new language structure. The teacher might read a story problem, take a half minute to point out the use of past tense in the problem and then return to the math concept. The teacher could design a partner math activity which requires the use of the past tense so that the students get practice producing it. In this way, our teachers are becoming experts at doing a dance between both content and language instruction, and our students are able to gain a stronger grasp of their new language without sacrificing content at all.
Book it!
The Pizza Hut Book It reading calendar will be sent soon! Check your child’s communication folders. The program runs from October thru March.




– Unit 14

Psalms and Proverbs

– Bible Memory:

Aclamen alegres al Señor, habitantes de toda la tierra;
 adoren al Señor con regocijo.
Preséntense ante él
    con cánticos de júbilo.
Reconozcan que el Señor es Dios;
    él nos hizo, y somos suyos.
    Somos su pueblo, ovejas de su prado.

Entren por sus puertas con acción de gracias;
    vengan a sus atrios con himnos de alabanza;
    denle gracias, alaben su nombre.
Porque el Señor es bueno y su gran amor es eterno;
    su fidelidad permanece para siempre.

Salmo 100 

Here is a song that we have been using to memorized Psalm 100


– Unit 3 Unknown Numbers in Addition and Subtraction 

Solve Equations with Unknown Partners
Practice with Unkown Partners
Subtraction Strategies
Substractions Stories and Games
Practice with Subtraction Stories


Weather Watchers

Social Studies:

Unit 2: How Do We Get What We Need or Want?

Lesson 1: Needs and Wants
Lesson 2: Producers and Consumers
Lesson 3: Scarcity
Lesson 4: Choice
Lesson 5: Trade
Lesson 6: Money


Finishing the Aalpa

Language Art U3W1

  • Definite articles and agreement with nouns (el, la, los, las)
  • Capital letters:  in Spanish capital letters are not used with gentilics (Ex: mexicano, costarricense) or titles with a name (Ex: el rey Felipe VI)
  • Word Wall Words: con, fui, familia, sobre, está
  • Syllables –  fa, fe, fi, fo fu
  • Phonetic Book:     La foto de Felipe
  • Poems:   Pavo, Pavo and La Foca
  • Culture and language
  • Phrases:      Yo doy gracias a Dios por ____.  Tengo ____.  ¡Qué rica es nuestra herencia!
  • Mentor Text:       El Día de Gracias de Beto y Gaby and Si le das un panecillo a un alce
  • Vocabulary words: el pavo , el maiz, el pan, el pastel de calabaza, dar gracias, el panecillo , la cartulina, la sábana, el títere, los calcetines, allí , el arbusto , el alce


Bookbag was sent home last Friday. Please send them back on Monday.
Please, keep encouraging them to read at home daily.

  • I can use the pictures to help me
  • I can get my mouth ready for the first sound or syllable
  • I check that what I see matches what I say
  • I can find parts (syllables) that I already know in words to help me
  • If it’s a long word or a word I don’t know, I can put my finger under each syllable to read syllable by syllable and then go back and re-read the WHOLE word
  • Does it make sense? Does it look right?  (if it doesn’t go back and re-read)
  • I say the first sound and slide through all the sounds
  • I can say known words quickly and accurately

Books and book-bags should return to school on Monday. There is a $5.00 fee that needs to be paid for books and or book-bags that are not returned or found.


Small Moments
Learning to work independently during Writer’s workshop time
Telling stories in illustrations
Using both pictures and words



Lunchtime 11:55 – 12:20 pm
Wonderfully made celebration is from 12:45 – 1:15pm

November 29 -> Deeken’s Wonderfully made/B-day celebration.
December 6 -> Lindsey Iverson
December 13 -> Sarah Terpstra
December 20 -> Elijah’s wonderfully made/B-day celebration

Thanks for reading it until the end! 

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