March 25 – 28

¡Queridos Padres!

Yay! Let’s celebrate the great job that they did at the musical. Even though I was not there for the whole time I enjoyed some!
Image result for spring break 2019
Wow! Only 4 days for Spring Break 🙂
There are a couple of things for these four days before the break. Please take a look at the itinerary for the field trip there is a change click here. We will have a school chapel at 9:00 am on the 27th.

Grace & Peace;

Maestra Ruiz

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions; please do not hesitate to contact me.



* Upcoming Events…

March 22
End of Marking Period – K-8

March 27
All School Chapel – 9:00 a.m.

From the Immersion Director
Spring break is often a time where children find unique opportunities to use their immersion language. If this is true for your child or family, whether it is a simple chance encounter with a Spanish or Mandarin speaker or a week of intentional language immersion, I’d love to hear your stories so that we can celebrate the positive impact of bilingualism.




– Unit 7: The settling of the land

– Bible Verse Memory

Mateo 28:1-6

1 Después del sábado, al amanecer del primer día de la semana, María Magdalena y la otra María fueron a ver el sepulcro.

2 Sucedió que hubo un terremoto violento, porque un ángel del Señor bajó del cielo y, acercándose al sepulcro, quitó la piedra y se sentó sobre ella. 3 Su aspecto era como el de un relámpago, y su ropa era blanca como la nieve. 4 Los guardias tuvieron tanto miedo de él que se pusieron a temblar y quedaron como muertos.

5 El ángel dijo a las mujeres:

—No tengan miedo; sé que ustedes buscan a Jesús, el que fue crucificado. 6 No está aquí, pues ha resucitado, tal como dijo. Vengan a ver el lugar donde lo pusieron.


– Unit 6  Comparison and Data   

Explore representing data


Weather Watchers


Language Art 

  • Review


Books and book-bags were sent home! Please, keep encouraging your child to read at home daily.

March is Reading Month: 

March 27 – Beach Day – Wear Summer clothes



*Look carefully at letters and words. Make sure what you see is what you say
*Read each word carefully from beginning to end
*Blend the sounds, stretch and re-read
*Say known words quickly
*Check for understanding
*Use prior knowledge to connect with the text
*Make pictures or mental images, visualize
*Ask questions
*Practice common sight words and high-frequency words
*Read phrases, not word by word
*Make your reading sound like talking
*Use a character’s voice

Books and book-bags should return to school on Monday.

There is a $5.00 fee that needs to be paid for books and or book-bags that are not returned or found.


Authors as mentors – Learning from Angela Johnson’s books



Lunchtime duty 11:55 – 12:20 pm

A wonderfully made celebration will be from 12:45 – 1:15

March 28 -> Harper’s wonderfully made/ B-day

 Thanks for reading it until the end! 

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