Allie's Blog

This is my Homework, and Thoughts

Toothpick Bridges, Day 6 (Wednesday)


We’re on the last day of our bridges. I think we’re going to do good if we’re only comparing ourselves to the other groups. I’m a little worried, but I think we’re going to do alright.

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Toothpick Bridges, Day 5 (Friday)


Colin and I put the bridge onto the two supports after we built it yesterday. Thankfully, it stuck on, but the bases are kinda rough around the edges, so we had to use water bottles to support it for now.

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Toothpick Bridges, Day 4 (Wednesday)


Our bases are done and set up and the bridge is coming along smoothly. Someone accidentally knocked over one of our bases so we spent most of class rebuilding it.

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Toothpick Bridges, Day 3 (Wednesday)


We finally finished our bases! They took super long. We’re putting the tops on them today and then we’re going to start working on our bridge top.

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Toothpick Bridges, Day 2 (Tuesday)


It’s day two of working on our toothpick bridge project, and we’re doing super well!! Our supports are almost finished, and then we’re going to work on the main bridge part.

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Bridge Day 1



We have the cardboard painted and cut out.  We are working on the bases and trying to get as much done that we can.

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God At Work


God has worked in Paul’s life by preparing him as a child and as an adult. God prepared Paul by allowing him to know multiple languages and to be very smart as well as have a good education. God is working in my life and has since I was born. I was born 10 weeks early, and had little chance of living. God kept me safe and now I’m a happy and healthy 14 year old.

I have been told multiple times that I am very creative and have the gift of leadership, and responsibility. God has taught me to trust in him in the difficult situations even when I can’t see what is in front of me. I was able to create calligraphy for my church and they used it on stage. It was such an honor to do that and it was something I enjoyed very much. With the gift of leadership I started a Bible Study at my house called Journey. My friends and I get together on Tuesdays to talk about God and how he is impacting our lives.

I also have been able to hear God’s calling. I went to the Philippines and that trip changed my heart. I see the world in a new perspective and I’m able to tell others more about how God can work around the world. With everything in life I know God is working in me each day and I can’t wait to see how he will work in me and through me in the future.


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Taal Volcano


My group made Taal Volcano. It is a volcano in the Philippines and we worked very hard this past week to finish this. I’m very proud at the end result and I’m glad we did this project. Taal Volcano has a caldera in the middle of it there is an island.

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Research Paper


Allie Bartels

Mrs. Roskamp

L.A, 8C

9 March,  2017

Persecution Research Paper


In 2016 every 6 minutes a Christian had been martyred. Christians are being persecuted daily all over the world. Have you ever done something about Persecution? Christians have been persecuted in the past and are still being persecuted in Countries today such as, Egypt; however there are things we do to help these Christians.

Persecution is continuing today and didn’t start recently either, it goes all the way back to before 54 AD. Nero was the emperor for Rome for about 15 years. He took the throne, and led his country in one of the worst ways possible. He hated everything about Christians and everything they stood for. One night a fire set ablaze and caused the deaths of thousands of people. The homeless people blamed Nero for the fire, and because of his fear he lied and blamed the Christians for the fire. After that Christians were burnt at the stake, killed on crosses, tied up, and tortured for amusement. This was all happening because of Nero’s false statements and skewed view.


Egypt has 95,215,000 Million people and out of that 9,521,500 are Christians. I have been researching Egypt and how persecution is in effect in the present day. In many different cases different people are being persecuted daily in Egypt. Christians are being killed for following Jesus. A teacher was gunned down as he was going to work. He was shot by Islamic members. He was martyred even while walking in the street. This is so sad to know that Christians are persecuted as they are traveling to work, and are doing what they do everyday. Another current story was a 15 year old girl was abducted at the beginning of the year and hasn’t been found yet. Her family is now being forced to convert to Islam. They feel as if they

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have no other choice but to follow the same religion as the abductors. I am almost 15 years old, and to realize that I am able to worship God and not live in fear is such a blessing. Christians are also being discriminated for living out their faith boldly. Egypt certainly isn’t the only place Christians are persecuted, you can easily pray to prevent persecution around the world.

Persecution continues present day and we can prevent it. In America 80% of people that claim to be Christians are not willing to stand up for their own faith. People make websites, news articles, and magazines on Persecution, but people aren’t taking time to read and learn more about this. If I didn’t start this project I wouldn’t have known all of this information about what is happening around the world and even here in America. I encourage you to pray about the people being persecuted, to learn more about it and to teach others about it. One of the reasons why people are unable to prevent Persecution is that most people don’t know enough to help. There is a couple of simple things you can do to prevent persecution. You can donate to a cause that is helping people affected, you can learn more and teach others about it, and you can pray for those who are in desperate need.  

Christians have been persecuted in the past and are still being persecuted in Countries today such as, Egypt; however there are things we do to help these Christians. I am glad that I’ve been able to learn more about persecution. I have been praying for people who are affected, and I continue to read stories off the people who are persecuted. In Bible class we are creating a presentation on Egypt. I’ve made a poster that explains what persecution is and how we can prevent it. I am helping to prevent persecution just by teaching others about what is happening. In conclusion, persecution is in effect and by doing simple things like donating money or your time, researching, teaching others, and even praying can make a difference in the life of a person who is persecuted.


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Works Cited

“Christian Persecution in Egypt.” Open Doors USA. Web. 27 Feb. 2017.

“Here’s What You Can Do About The Persecution of Christians: Stop Being a Lazy Coward.” TheBlaze. TheBlaze, 22 Apr. 2015. Web. 28 Feb. 2017.

Ireland, Open Doors UK &. “Egypt.” Christian Persecution in Egypt – Open Doors UK & Ireland. Web. 27 Feb. 2017.

“Militants Kill Christian in Egypt’s Sinai, Second in a Week.” Militants Kill Christian in Egypt’s Sinai, Second in a Week « Persecution News. Web. 22 Feb. 2017.

“Report Warns Christians in Egypt Face Increasing Persecution.” Report Warns Christians in Egypt Face Increasing Persecution « Persecution News. Web. 22 Feb. 2017.

“Report: Christians Were the Most Persecuted Group of People in 2016.” TheBlaze. TheBlaze, 31 Dec. 2016. Web. 27 Feb. 2017.

“Rising Violence against Christian Women in Egypt.” Rising Violence against Christian Women in Egypt « Persecution News. Web. 22 Feb. 2017.

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Egypt Persecution


Here is a video on Persecution in Egypt.



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Crime at Captain Sundae


Allie Bartels

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8C

17 February 2017

Crime at Captain Sundae
This crime all started in a place where you wouldn’t suspect, a place where kids would spend their tooth fairy money, and a place where adults and kids both enjoyed. This case isn’t a happy mystery and not a horrifying either.
Anna a very positive girl, was busy working for the employ of the year. She was competing against her co worker named Josh. They were working harder than ever with the dream of going to a all paid vacation by becoming the best employ at Captain Sundae.
Allie the detective was working hard to solve a case when she got a phone call from the owner of Captain Sundae. The owner explained the rapid number of sales, but kids kept coming back to order because their mouths keep getting numbed. The owner of Captain Sundae was very nervous and didn’t want anyone to get hurt by eating ice cream. Allie went to Captain Sundae to start investigating.
Monday morning arrived and she went there undercover. She dressed up as a teenage girl, as she sat down in the boat. She saw a preschool class ordering ice cream cones. Right after the first kid got a chocolate sprinkle ice cream cone she knew something wasn’t right. She observed that a male was making the ice cream and a friendly girl was taking orders. The girl had her hair tied back and a order list of about 30. It was very chaotic, but somehow she kept her cool. A little boy that had most of his ice cream cone finished went up to his teacher and complained about his mouth feeling numb, again and again kids felt feeling numb. The girl working at the counter said,
“Whenever my mouth is numb, I just eat more ice cream.”
The teacher took that advice and put it into action, she ordered another 30 ice cream cones. This made the two workers even more excited about the rapid sales. The workers knew that their boss would be proud of all of the sales they made.  Allie started to quickly write down what had just happened.
The next day Allie was dressed as an elderly woman, to continue her cover she ordered very slowly and paid for two ice cream cones. One with sprinkles one without. She didn’t like sprinkles herself, but gave it to the agent that came with her that day. Agent Johnson always worked with Allie undercover, he was great at finding the clues. He tried it and his mouth began to get numb. Allie knew it must have been the sprinkles that caused the numb feeling. Now she had to figure out why Captain Sundae would make their customers numb. She asked the girl at the counter who orders the toppings and where from.
“I never order the toppings because I’m too busy, I am always working hard to write down the customer’s ice cream choice.” Replied Anna.
Allie then asked, “May I see the order receipt for your toppings?” Anna hesitated and got shaky, you could see the sweat by her forehead.
“Ummm, one minute.” Anna then handed over the receipt.
Wednesday quickly arrived, and Allie had to keep working hard to figure out what happened. Allie did not know who had ordered the toppings, because the check was signed by Anna. She was very confused why Anna would have seemed nervous, she seemed very nice.
Allie then questioned Josh. She asked him what he likes to do in his spare time. He replied, “ I enjoy working hard with my classes, because I am a freshman in college. When I’m bored I enjoy writing and working hard to get a teachers’ degree. The only thing I don’t like by becoming a teacher is that I have to learn cursive and have perfect handwriting!”
“Can you please write your name down so I know I talked to you?” Allie asked. He then signed Josh  L. Postma on the line. His handwriting really was perfect! Allie then left to bring her notes back to her office.
Allie knew Captain Sundae very well by now, and on Thursday she investigated the inside of the building. She asked the workers, many different questions. After integrating the workers one by one for the second time she knew who did it and how. She called the manager, and one of her employees lost their job, and now has no chance of ever working again. With a little lead on how the numbing sprinkles caused this crime and who signed the check for the sprinkles, can you figure out how this occurred?

Anna had no reason to fight with Josh, she enjoyed working with him especially with his amazing handwriting. She always wondered why he was able to make her signature look exactly the same as her own. Josh was suspicious from day one, he was the one who made the ice cream that had the sprinkles on it, and he was the one who faked Anna’s name for the check. Josh wanted to go on the vacation so bad he made it look like Anna had caused the crime. In the end Anna became the employee of the year and was able to go on the vacation. Josh ended up in jail for lying to an agent, and causing the crime. Without the questions asked and the answers given this crime wouldn’t have been solved.

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Egg Tower


We made an egg tower for science class. We planned to have it two inches taller than 40cm. Over night the tower slanted and now is leaning. We are about to do the test. My group worked well together and we completed the tower well. We are nervous to do the test, but happy that this experiemt is over.



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Metaphor Writing


Allie Bartels

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8C

14 November 2016

Metaphor Writing

I am a lake. A lake is surrounded by life, filled with depth and always in motion. The first way I am a lake is that I have sand surrounding me. People and different experiences continue to affect my life. I have a family who loves me, and friends that mean so much to me. I wouldn’t be who I am without sand continuing to be apart of my life. My sand comforts me, I have some soft and gentle parts from the sand, but there are rocks that I have gone past to get to who I am now.

The second way I am a lake is that I have fish affecting my life. Fish are the things that make me who I am. I am creative, unique, energetic, organized, and filled with joy. The fish make me who I am, and as I continue my life I develop and learn about the fish. I need something to make me up, and the fish create my character.

In my lake I have deep depths that not everyone knows about me. When you get to know me you see the sand and fish. When you look deeper you see my faith, my love, and my knowledge of Christ. From the depths, the light of faith shines and continues to grow, with strength. I need my faith to be the center of my life.

On top of my lake I have waves. My waves are my emotions, I am affected on all that is around me. When I am upset my anger crashes against the storm. When I am happy my joy jumps and dances in the wind. When I’m calm you can see my water stay still and wait. I am patient at times and very persistent at other times.

I am a lake. Full of life, surrounded with comfort, with a center of faith. I have flaws that make me who I am, and emotions that make me spunky and creative. I love life by being me a lake.

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God Sightings


This weekend I saw God through my cousin Tessa. She was in a play called the Meaning of Life. I saw God through the talent of all of the actors and actresses. I also was able to see God by the message through the play, how we have a meaning to life, and we have to find it through God.

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Thematic Writing


Allie Bartels

Mrs. Roskamp


19 October 2016

Thematic Writing

The book that I have recently finished was The Isle of the Lost by Melissa De La Cruz. All of the villains from Disney stories are living on the Isle. The evil villain parents are constantly wanting their kids to follow in their footsteps and continue on their evil path. Throughout this book I found out that you don’t have to be exactly like your parents, and you can choose what you want to do with your life.

One conflict going on in my book is that Mal and her mother constantly get into fights. Maleficent (Mal’s Mom) is always disappointed in what Mal does. Mal tries her best to have her mother’s approval but that is how the theme comes into play. Mal wants to choose what she does in her future, without her mom always forcing her on what she should do.

Having such a controversial theme it creates lots of conflict. Another example is that the Evil Queen wants her daughter Evie to be perfect all of the time and find a prince. Evie agrees with her mother more and more, but at the same time she doesn’t want to be truly evil. Evie enjoys when she impresses people and attempts to be very beautiful, and so does her mother. She never feels accepted which creates conflict with her mother because she wants her mother’s’ acceptance.  

Throughout this book I found out that you don’t have to be exactly like your parents, and you can choose what you want to do with your life. This book was very fun to read, and I learned a lot of lessons from it. You don’t have to be exactly like your parents, because you are your own person. You can look up to your parents, but in life you don’t have to be exactly like them. You can be your own individual, and be creative. This book was very fun to read, and it gave me an important lesson about life.

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Chain Project


This week we made a chain in Science class. The people in my group were Brooke and Gabe. We have made it out of pipe cleaner and paper. Our chain is 106 cm long, and I think that it will do pretty well. I don’t think we will get first place, but we do have a strong chain. This was a fun project to work on.

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Blog Post


This week in Bible we have been studying different names of Jesus. The name I was given to research was Apostle. An apostle is a follower and a leader. Jesus was an apostle, and he called 12 other people to become apostles also. I think that Jesus being an aposlte describes Jesus in his human form. Now he calls on us to teach the word to those around us.

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Theme Writing


Allie Bartels

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8C

14 September 2016

Colossians 3:17


And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.




This year we are trying to be a little more like Jesus by being selfless. At the end of 7th grade we went to pick out our theme, after lots of discussion and prayer the theme is Selfless. As a school, our goal is to not only be selfless inside school but also outside of school. When I think about the word selfless it reminds me of Jesus. I can apply this theme to my life as an 8th grader at Zeeland Christian School and to my life in the community and in the world.


This year’s theme can apply to my life here at Zeeland Christian School. For my life at school, I always try to hold the door open for my classmates. I am trying to challenge myself a little more. It can be difficult for me to always be positive, it is so hard not to complain, and my goal is to be more positive. Another thing that I am trying to work on is giving up my time for others, a specific example could be staying after class to push in chairs. I also am going to try to pick up trash in the halls and classrooms, I normally just walk over a piece of trash, and I am going to try to be more respectful by helping and cleaning up.


This year’s theme also applies to my life outside of school. One thing that I can do at home is to help my parents without them asking over again, and I am going to try to do helpful things like emptying the dishwasher without them even asking. After school I normally ride the bus, I can let other people go on and off before me. I normally try to be first in line, and I try to avoid helping my goal is to be more selfless even when I don’t want to.
I can apply this theme to my life as an 8th grader at Zeeland Christian School and to my life in the community and in the world. When humans that make mistakes everyday try to be more like Jesus who has never made a mistake is very difficult. I will try my very be to be like selfless not only at school but also in the community. I know that I can’t fix everything that is selfish about me, but by holding a door, staying positive and motivating my classmates, and picking up a piece of trash my goal is to become selfless.

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Boat Race


For the past couple of weeks we have been working on making a boat, that crosses the finish line. I worked with Emma and Brooke for the past couple of days. We made the bottom out of stirafoam and layered it with popsicle sticks. We put the cup on top to help the wind from the fan to push it. The first time we tested it we got 8.18 seconds. We made some modifications to make it work faster, and it didn’t really work. It actually made the boat slower. This project was very fun to do, and it taught me a lot about working as a group, and trying mutiple solutions to get the best result.


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Está en Norte América.

América, Cuba, Guatemala, y Belize es cerca de México.

La océano Pacífico es cera.

La colores de bandera es verde, blanca, cafe, y rojo.


La capital de México es la Ciudad de México.


Foto #1 es mucho casas en México. Foto #2 es dentro de un casa. En la casa tiene tres dormitorios, un baño, y un pasillo. La casa en foto #2 es muy bonita y no tiene un garaje. Las casas en México es muy diferente, un poco es pequeño y otras es grande. Las casas en México tiene muchos colores.

Ser Y Estar:

La casa es de México. La casa tiene un sala, y comedor es bonita. Un silla está en la casa. Un comedor está en la casa. La mesa está cerca de la silla. La casa tiene un patio y es cerca de la sala.

Celebraciones En México:

En México celebra la dia de Reyes Magos.

México celebra la fiesta de arte.

México celebra el ritmo de la banda.

México celebra el fiesta de Feliz Navidad

Fiestas por bailar. Fiesta por celebrar.

Tu estás abriendo regalos en la fiesta. Yo recibiendo regalos en la fiesta.


En México los deportes futbol, correr, béisbol, y tenis. Muchas personas están atleta. En fútbol tiene la pelota. En la deporte béisbol tiene un bate y guante.


En México los hospitales son bien.


La hospitales en México es bien por los personas enfermos. La enfermera extraer la sangre, y tu tomas una radiografía. Tu pones un inyección en la hospital.


Quien no te gusta la pared? La pared es por los personas muy mal.

Que es la pared? Much personas no te gusta la pared.

Cuando te usar la pared? Por mucho tiempo.

Cómo construyen? Por mucho tiempo mucho personas trabajan.

Cuando? 2016

Por Que? Mucho personas esta malo y necesita la pared.



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