Allie's Blog

This is my Homework, and Thoughts



Riding in the car was a adventure when we got to Lansing because we got lost! We went around the city at least twice! We were searching for a parking spot, and we eventually found one. We got into the museum and we went threw the door as kids and when were inside we were time travelers!  My favorite part of the museum was seeing Michigan’s rich history! Then we walked to the capitol, and my favorite part there was looking up at the sealing and seeing the bright paint go up, up, up, and up 210 feet! After we went to the capital we went to impressions 5 it was a science museum were you are aloud to have as much daring fun you wanted to have! My favorite part their was finding my inner kid and My Dad’s inner kid by having so much fun!  Over all I had did that day My absolutely favorite part was making memories that I will never forget!

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