Allie's Blog

This is my Homework, and Thoughts

My Journey of faith



My Journey of Faith…

My story begins when I was pretty young.  I think I was about three years old.  It was Christmas.  We just finished opening our gifts and my Dad started telling us about how Jesus was the Best Gift of all.  I knew in that moment that I wanted Jesus more than anything.  With tears in both of our eyes, my Dad led me in a prayer in which I accepted Jesus as “My Gift” that Christmas.  I remember thinking “Is that all I have to do?  Is he really in my life.?  I couldn’t believe it was so simple.

What I now know to be true is this.  It really is that simple.  My faith had just begun and I knew I wanted God’s gift.   It says in Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance in what we do not see.”  I believe that this world is not my final home.  I know that God has plans and work for me to do here, and a better place to go when I die someday.  I am hopeful about my future.

When I was in the second Grade I decided to show my commitment to God in front of everyone I knew. I made Profession of Faith in my Church.  Some may have thought that I was too young to understand what I was doing.  I know in my heart what I believe and I think there is a verse that explains this better than I can.

I Timothy 4: 12

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for believers in speech, in the way that you live, in Love, and in Purity.

Even though I am young I can still set an example for others. The ways that I continue to grow my faith is through praying for people I care about, and things that concern me. I read the Bible, I know that the Bible is God’s words to me.  I use it, so I know how to live a Good life.  I love the worship time in my Church, especially the singing.  The songs stay with me long after I leave the service, and the car-ride home.  Actually, I pretty much sing all the time.

Most of all, what I want you to know is that Jesus gives me Joy.  I can’t really explain it.  I just know that he is always with me.  He is there for the good and bad moments, and I know that with God in my Life I don’t need to worry about the future.   I wouldn’t want to ever know what it would be like to not have him there with me.

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One Comment to

“My Journey of faith”

  1. April 7th, 2013 at 4:53 pm      Reply abartels21 Says:

    I challenge who ever read what I wrote to find your faith story!
    You can step out of your comfort zone and tell and show others your faith, God wants us to show others everyone can have faith through him!

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