Allie's Blog

This is my Homework, and Thoughts

Archive for March, 2014

Marble Roller Coaster


    March 28, Natalie,Hunter, and Ethan were in my group. The Materilals: Foam pipe insulation. tape, and marble, also cardboard. We worked together to make a really, fun roller coaster. This project was really fun to do, and learn about roller coasters. We learned how to make a roller coaster and how to work […]

The Revolutionary War…Why?


I think the two main events that led up to the Revolutionary was The Intonerable Act, and The Battle of Lexington / Concord . The Reasoning for The Intonerable Act is that….. * Colonist had to pay for the tea * No ships could enter or leave the Boston harbor * General Gage was put […]

Whose fault was it for the Boston Massacre? In 1773


I think it is the British Soilders fault because they killed 5 inocent people. Even though the Colonist had snowballs, bayonets, knifes, swords, and rocks they didn’t kill anyone, they just hurt some of them. At the end of the day there was 5 people killed… Remember that when you start something that you know […]

Bible Memory Matthew 6:19-21, Matthew 6:24-26



Dear King George, I am a colonist from Massachusetts, and I am not happy about the Stamp Act you put and gave to us colonists.The Stamp Act puts taxes on iteams such as paper goods and even playing cards.We have to pay for the stamps to put on the iteams to show that it has been […]

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