Allie's Blog

This is my Homework, and Thoughts

The Revolutionary War…Why?


I think the two main events that led up to the Revolutionary was The Intonerable Act, and The Battle of Lexington / Concord . The Reasoning for The Intonerable Act is that…..

* Colonist had to pay for the tea

* No ships could enter or leave the Boston harbor

* General Gage was put in charge of Boston

* Colonist decided to meet

The Resoning for The Battle of Lexington And Concord is…

* British troops sent to catch Sam Adams and John Hancock/ Colonial weapons

* Battles fought at Lexington/Concord

*The Revolutionary war has began!

Both of these 2 Events both started the Colonist emotions into a crazy manner. The Revolutionary War was also started by The Battle Of Lexington and Concord, so that is a very important event.

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