Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category


The part that impacted me the most was the part when coyotito died. I learned that when you get something that you have wanted forever it takes you over and you can control your self. Don’t let things that over your life.

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Shadow Day

I felt that shadow day was just sweet and I loved it. I thought that every 8th grade should shadow someone. I shadowed Noah Bosma and he works at Integrity Landscape and he is hired as a mechanic but he does just about every think from barking to rebuilding engines on a mower. I could […]

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The Pearl

I would really want to have a pencil that had spell check when you have to write and if you spelled something wrong the pencil would automatically would erase and spell the word correctly in your hand writing. Also I would want sharpies to no bleed through the paper but still have the great permeant part of the sharpie but just not to […]

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Toughest Race on Earth Current Event

Toughest Race on Earth Allen DenBleyker This year is the 28th annual 220 km race across the sahara desert. The race will be seven days long and you will have to carry all of your food ans supplies on your back. The oldest person doing it is 76 years old and there are 1024 competitors […]

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Recapping of The Senate Session & Jobs

During are class senate session I learned that not every one is going to under stand what you are trying to say and also i learned that i get frustrated when people constantly ask how much is it going to cost and not everyone really likes what you are proposing and also no every one like what […]

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Water Erosion

In are project of water erosion we made two cakes and we modeled one before water erosion and the other one after water erosion has took place. water erosion is where the friction and the particles in the water rub up against the river bed and eats away the floor and creates something different and makes the river wider and deaper. […]

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Comparing Governments

We are comparing all sorts of governments and how they are ran by all different countries. I was surprised by how different and how similar they are ran like how large countries are ran almost the same way some small countries are ran. Before we did this i really didn’t know much about how a country was ran and how much a government actually does, […]

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Volcano Project

Our volcano is a model of the volcano called Black Peak. Black Peak last erupted in 1900 B.C. As you can see there are tooth picks with flags on them labeling all the different parts on the volcano in english and spanish. There is the mantle in spanish it is called manto. Then we have […]

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volcanes interesantes

me guatan volcan Por Ian

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Current Event Officials: Hostage standoff ends with child rescued, kidnapper dead Allen DenBleyker last week a 5 year old boy was abducted and was finally release after 6 days in a under ground bunker the man had made. The boy was on his way home when the gunman stepped on the bus and shot the bus […]

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