my favorite new movie

My favorite new movie is called jurassic world it is about a park that has real dinosaurs!. But the park is struggling with loss of attendance so they create a  modified dinosaur to get more attendance. They call it the i rex it has unknown abilities but it soon breaks out so everyone freaks out!  so they told Owen to get his velociraptors  so they attack it and kill it the end.

the most funny thing that happened this year

The most funny thing that happened to me this year was… that I was playing with my friends  at recess was when I flew off my swing and did a backflip an fell. It hurt  A LOT but I did not get that hurt yes I did get a scar but thats al right.I was like ow but I was laughing to so it was like ow yay ow yay.Well the game we were playing was  a little  dangerous but it was going okay this is how you play.: You  through the ball at the  person on the swing and try to dodge the ball so you are not it.