Anika's delicious altodes

Anika's work is good

Final Forth Grade Blog Post

1. Forth Grade is done, But summer has to come.

I’m glad, But mom is sad.

Anika is cool and now she’s in the pool.

I’m made, But I should be glad.

2. My favorite Bible story was about Ruth.

3. My favorite memory of forth grade was when Jacob was drawing a picture and mr. Commeret told  Jacob to stop and Jacob wanted to finish the drawing.

4. My favorite project was making the sock puppet video

5. My favorite blog post was? The sock puppet video

6.  My favorite song is The Lost Get Found and Let It Go

7. I can’t beleive summer is almost here

8. recording—–>

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Puppet show

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States of Matter

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Wisdom vs. Intelligence


  • discerning
  • humility
  • right vs. wrong
  • putting it into action


  • smart
  • kind
  • know facts, not necessarily problem solving
  • sometimes you know the right thing to do
  • your full of yourself

Discuss Solomon’s wisdom.

Solomon’s wisdom was used in many ways he used it to help others and help himself. But he also used it to make bad decisions and that is how he was losing site of God.

How can I apply this to my life? Well we help others and we help our selfs. But we also forget about God and when I realize that that happens I am sad.

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Market Day Reflection


  • Write about ONE thing you learned from COLLABORATION at Market Day.

  • We worked really fast on making all are bookmarks and making everything go really smooth.


  • Write about ONE thing you learned from CRITICAL THINKING at Market Day.
  • We were just really frustrated when we had 4 people at are table and there were only three of us but then we got the hang of it.


  • Write about ONE thing you learned from CREATIVITY at Market Day.

  • Well we knew that a lot of people did things that were knew and that ares was not the only different product.


  • Write about ONE thing you learned from COMMUNICATION at Market Day.

  • We communicated pretty well we were really prepared.


  • What was the BEST thing about Market Day?

  • Well we were all very happy when we sold out but I think making are product was fun.


  • What is ONE thing you’d change if you had to do it again?

  • We could have been a little more confident.


  • What is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you learned from Market Day? How will this impact your future learning.

  • Well we know how hard it is to do a business but the most important part is we learned that working with a TEAM is hard but we learned that the hard way.
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Market Day Prediction

What are you most exited about? I’m most exited about getting to do a buisness at such a young age.

What are your strengths of your group? How will this Help today? Are strengths are we are all confident that we will sell most of are prouduct. And are whole group loves to read.

What are you most nerves about for Market Day? Why or why not? That we might not make enough money to give back to the venchercapitalist or to RC are friend in the philipense.

Do you think you would sell all your prouduct? Why or why not? We are pretty confident that we will sell all are prouduct but where not completly sure.

What will you do if your group is not selling everything? We would try harder but we think we will sell it all.

How will you remain positave even if things are not going good? We will encourage each other.

What will you do if you sell all your prouduct right away? We will encourage other groups.

What overall prediction of the day? That we will be confident in the worse condition.


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My Gifts and Talents

  • Drawing
  • Reading
  • Dog sitting
  • Doing my hair
  • Playing with little kids
  • Dancing
  • Singing

How did it make you feel after your classmates comments?

It made me feel like I am a special part of this world and that a lot of people care for me.

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Market Day Pitch!

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Market Day Pitch Advise And Details

List 3 highlights of the pitch for market day

We got a investore to pay us money for are prouduct.
She is going to help us desing our prouduct.
And we are pritty populare with are prouduct.

List 3 possible improvements

We could have been more perpared with the poster.
We could have read louder when we read the presantation.
We said a few things wrong.

how would you prepare better if you had to do it again?

We would read louder.
Had the poster more prepared.
We would say things just a little more slowly.

what advice would we give next years 4th grade studants

That you might be nervase but if you end up getting some money you are on the right track.

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The Mystery Power

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