
Hello world. :)

What are some acts in the American revolution????:)

I think one is when we won the battle of Saratoga because we had Benedict Arnold (traitor) as commander.

I Think we had awesome weapons and aim and well sort of good costumes but not as fancy as the British

because they were like ” Yeah we have better aim and outfits and weapons that are WAY better than yours!” (not really)

cause we deserved to win because the British just think they have better stuff than anyone who lives. (back then),.

I really enjoyed learning about this cause a lot of it is really interesting. Thank Maestra Cabral for teaching us! 🙂


Valley Forge Surgeon

Albigence Waldo I think that he is sad and sick of being in Valley Forge because they had a harsh winter because he misses his wife and daughters.

He is sick of being in Valley Forge cause it is hard cause they have no supplies. They all tried to make fires but there where only very little because there lots of

winds and rain and everybody was very sick and they were actually thinking of going back home. They all almost had the small pox or the chicken pox and they

all wanted to be home with good food, beds and family. They do not have good food because of the harsh weather.

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Great Books!

I think another book idea  is the High Hurdles by Lauraine Snelling I am reading the third one called Setting the Pace.

And another one is The Little Princess. It is really good because i saw the movie and read the book.

And Harry Potter ( The Whole Series:))

Plus the HOBBIT!



Hey Guys!

How is your Roller Coaster going?

It is O.K if it is not that great.

But i encourage you to do your best!

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bible memory

Hey Guys!

Don’t forget bible memory is due THIS FRIDAY the 22nd of March.

It is pretty long so if you have not started, START NOW! You can do

it.I have faith in YOU. plus ……….   I AM WATCHING YOU!!!!B)

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Band Music

I just had band this morning and we got another song! besides

Colonial March. It is called Shake something something. I forgot

what it was.

oops! 🙂


Out of all the acts we have studied in our time looking at the road to revolution, Which do you consider to be the harshest and why?

Well i think the harshest one is the Quartering Act because the colonists do not have a lot of money because  they hardly have enough for their own kids cause they HAVE to feed them (the soldiers) 3 meals a day. They also have like for example there are 2 kids that share a bed. Then all the sudden a soldier comes in and needs a bed. Then the kids already starve while he is eating 3 meals a day and a bed. I think it is horrible.

Well i think the british are out of their minds with this because it is bad for kids while they starve to death. Again I think it is horrible.


Great Books!

Hey I Think a great book series is The puppy place series by Ellen miles

cause a family finds a dog and fosters it until they find a perfect forever home!



Why The Declaration of Independence so important to the colonists?

I think the declaration of independence is a good idea because the colonists were very happy to have like freedom and liberty and like they always say “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death” And well the Boston Tea Party was their  idea of liberty and well they were at the Boston Harbor.


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